Undergraduate Program Film Studies Minor

Degree Details

  • Minor
    Total Credits
    Start Term
    Delivery Method
    On campus

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School/College College of the Arts
Department School of Film

Film Studies Minor Overview

The minor in film studies is an excellent complement to any degree at Portland State University. Students in the program gain a rich understanding of the medium of film. The film studies minor is a very flexible program: students may select from a number of courses in various departments including film; English; world languages and literatures; art; history; Black studies; women, gender and sexuality studies; and sociology.

Students in the program acquire a basic understanding of the technology of the film medium, become familiar with its history, know how to write academically and journalistically about film, and gain a theoretical grasp of the power of visual culture in contemporary life.

A minor in film studies provides you with a well-rounded foundation in storytelling, helps you build skills to work in groups and teams and communicate professionally, and connects you with the growing Northwest film industry. Portland is fast becoming a hub for filmmaking and is home to a vibrant community of independent and large-budget films such as “Portlandia,” “Leverage,” “Grimm,” and “The Librarians,” and “Shrill.”

Minor Curriculum

Department Info 

Film Studies Minor: Why PSU?

Portland is a popular city for writers and creatives interested in pursuing careers in film TV and production work. Portland State contributes to this community by creating an environment for aspiring writers and creatives to grow and develop. Our students have interned on TV shows like "Portlandia" and "The Librarians," worked on independent films, assisted local equipment and production companies, and helped to plan Portland film festivals. We believe that hands-on knowledge is a critical part of our film program, giving you context for what you learn in the classroom.

Students at Portland State and in the Film Studies program are encouraged to take part in our student groups:

  • KPSU: Streaming online every day, KSPU has been bringing you the student voice of Portland State since 1994. Operated by student and community DJs, KPSU's independent voice has become a mainstay in the greater Portland area! Listen at KPSU.org.
  • Sub-Basement Studios: Media created by students, for students, Sub-Basement Studios is your source for interesting creative content on and around the Portland State campus. It provides a great way to get involved doing what you love whether it be reporting, marketing, editing, camera work, and much more. Sub-Basement Studios has the hands-on experience you need.
  • 5th Avenue Cinema: PSU’s student-run cinema house screens an eclectic selection of camp, cult, classic, and contemporary independent and mainstream films. Free for Portland State students and staff with ID.

What can I do with a minor in Film Studies?

Students who minor in film studies go on to careers in many different fields, from politics to book editing. Writing, storytelling, film editing, and production skills are valuable in many industries. We prepare our students to be adaptable and thoughtful communicators.