Liu-Qin Yang

Liu-Qin Yang


Psychology - Liberal Arts & Sciences

CH 317G
(503) 725-3960

Dr. Liu-Qin Yang is a Professor at Portland State University. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of South Florida, with emphases on occupational health psychology and quantitative methodology. She holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature, and a Master of Arts degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, all from Beijing Normal University, China. Dr. Yang also has applied experiences in working with the public and private sectors in China and the U.S.

Dr. Yang's research concerns how employees manage their motivation and stress at work, with the ultimate goal of enhancing employees’ and organizations’ well-being and productivity. Through examining the interplay of individual characteristics (e.g., emotions, self-identity, personality), and psychosocial environment (e.g., leader behavior, organizational climate, incivility), she focuses on understanding the dynamic employee stress and motivation processes and their implications for employee health and productivity. Specifically, Dr. Yang's research interests include workplace relationships and mistreatment prevention, emotion and work motivation, occupational health, and quantitative methodology. In recent years, Dr. Yang and her team have made more and more effort toward understanding the dynamic affective processes (e.g., from the lens of change/shift), and the dynamic development of mistreatment spiral and mistreatment prevention (e.g., intervention). You may read more about Dr. Yang's research at Yang research profile. You may read more about Dr. Yang's Motivation, Mistreatment, Measurement and More (4M) Lab.

Dr. Yang is the director of the Occupational Health Psychology-Total Worker Health® training program (funded by CDC/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-NIOSH). She is the President-Elect of the Society for Occupational Health Psychology. Dr. Yang was an Associate Editor for the journal Applied Psychology: An International Review. She currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, and Occupational Health Science. She regularly serves on the review panel for CDC/NIOSH. 

Dr. Yang loves hiking, camping, and playing badminton. The pacific northwest feels like home to her in many ways.

Undergraduate Classes Taught

  • PSY345 Motivation
  • PSY361 Industrial/Personnel Psychology
  • PSY362 Organizational Psychology
  • PSY410 Work, Stress & Health

Graduate Classes Taught

  • PSY510/610 Research Seminar: Work Motivation
  • PSY521/621 Univariate Quantitative Methodology
  • PSY595/695 Introduction to Psychological Measurement

Selected Publications 
* denotes student authors   # denotes Equal contribution

Lyons, B.J., #Baldridge, D., #Yang, L.-Q, & *Bryan, C. (2023). Disability severity, professional isolation perceptions, and career outcomes: When does leader-member exchange quality matter? Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/01492063221143714

--Reported by media outlets like ScienceDailyNewsMedical, and OpenAccessGovernment

Yang, L-Q., *Fox, S., & *McMahon, K. (2023) Mistreatment in organizations: Where are we and where are we going? In L. E. Tetrick, G. G. Fisher, M. T. Ford, & J. Campbell Quick (Eds.), Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology (3rd ed.). American Psychological Association: Washington D.C.

#Yang, L.-Q., #Wang, W., Huang, P.-H. & *Nguyen, A. N. (2022). Optimizing measurement reliability in within-person research: guidelines for research design and R Shiny web application toolsJournal of Business and Psychology. [Editor Commendations]

Yang, L.-Q., Cronpanzano, R., Daus, C., & Martinez-Tur,V. (Eds, 2020). The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Cambridge Handbook Series of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

#Yang, L.-Q., #Zheng, X., *Liu, X., Lu, C., & Schaubroeck, J. (2019). Abusive Supervision, Thwarted Belongingness, and Workplace Safety: A Group Engagement Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology.  DOI: 10.1037/ap10000436

   --Reported by media outlets like Business InsuranceHRDive, Consumeraffairs, and Medindia

Zhang, Y., Liu, X., *Xu, S., Yang, L.-Q., & Bednall, T. (2019). Why abusive supervision impacts employee OCB and CWB? A meta-analytical review of competing mediating mechanisms. Journal of Management, 45, 2474-2497.

--Reported by media outlets like The Economic Times and Thriving Global

Chang, C.-H., Yang, L.-Q., & *Lauricella, T. K. (2019). Social support exchange and nurses’ musculoskeletal injuries in a team context: Anger as a mediator. Work & Occupations. 10.1177/0730888419826622

*McMahon, K., *Park, L, & Yang, L.-Q., (2019) Workplace aggression in nursing: Antecedents and solutions. In Ronald Burke & Astrid Richardsen (Eds.) Increasing Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces: Research and Practice. Edward Elgar.

Yang, L.-Q., Sliter, M., Cheung, J., Sinclair, R. & Mohr, S. (2018) The dark side of helping: Does returning the favor from coworkers hurt employee work engagement? Journal of Business and Psychology, 33, 741-760.

*Cyr, L, Yang, L.-Q., & Yragui, N. (2018) Aggression-preventive supervisor behavior toward patient aggression: a scale cross-validation. In Ronald Burke and Cary Cooper (Eds) Violence and abuse in the workplace. London, UK: Gower.

*Ma, J., Meltzer, D., Yang, L.-Q., & Liu, C. (2018). Motivation and presenteeism: The whys and whats. In Luo Lu and Cary Cooper (Eds). Presenteeism at work (pp. 97-122). Cambridge University Press.

Liu, C., Nauta, M.M., Yang, L.-Q., & Spector, P.E. (2018). How do coworkers ‘make the place’? Examining coworker conflict and the value of harmony in China and the United States. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67, 30-60.

*Liu, W., *Cyr, L., & Yang, L.-Q. (2017). History of industrial and organizational psychology in Asia. In Steven G. Rogelberg, Kristen M. Shockley, & Scott Tonidandel (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd Ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Yang, L.-Q., & *Caughlin, D. E. (2017). Aggression-preventative supervisor behavior: Implications for workplace climate and employee outcomes. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22, 1-18. 

#Yang, L.-Q., #Simon, L. S., Wang, L., & Zheng, X. (2016). To branch out or stay focused?: Daily affective shifts differentially predict organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 831-845.

Yang, L.-Q., Chang, C.-H., & Lim, V. K. G. (2016). An introduction to the special issue of new methods on work and organizational health psychology. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 65, 185-189.

Li, Y., Wang, Z., Yang, L.-Q., & Liu, S. (2016). The crossover of psychological distress from leaders to subordinates in teams: The roles of abusive supervision, psychological capital and team performance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21, 142-153.

Yang, L.-Q., Liu, C., Nauta, M. M., *Caughlin, D. E., & Spector, P. E. (2016). Be mindful of what you impose on your colleagues: Implications of social burden for burdenees' well-being, attitudes, and counterproductive work behavior. Stress and Health, 32, 70-83. (Editor's choice)

Spector, P. E., Yang, L.-Q., & Zhou, Z. (2015). A longitudinal examination of the role of violence prevention climate in exposure to workplace physical violence and verbal abuse. Work and Stress, 29, 325-340.

Zhou, Z., Yang, L.-Q., & Spector, P. E. (2015). Political skill: A proactive inhibitor of workplace aggression expoesure and an active buffer of the aggression-strain relationship. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20, 405-419.

*Wright, R., Mohr, C., Sinclair, R., & Yang, L.-Q. (2015). Sometimes less is more: Directed coping with interpersonal stressors at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 786-805.
Yang, L.-Q., *Caughlin, D. E., *Gazica, M. W., Truxillo, D. M., & Spector, P. E. (2014). Workplace mistreatment climate: A review of contextual influence from the target's perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19, 315-335.

Yang, L.-Q. *Bauer, J., Johnson, R. E., Groer, M., & Salomon, K. (2014). Physiological mechanisms that underlie the effects of interactional unfairness on deviant behavior: the role of cortisol activity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 310-321.

Yang, L.-Q., Johnson, R. E., Zhang, X., Spector, P. E., & Xu, S. (2013). When self-identity meets interpersonal unfairness: Consequences for counterproductive work behavior. Journal of Business and Psychology, 28, 189-202.

Liu, C., Yang, L.-Q., & Nauta, M. M. (2013). Examining the mediational effect of supervisor conflict on procedural injustice-job strain relations: The function of power distance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18, 64-74

*Liao, F.-Y., Yang, L.-Q., Wang, M., Drown, D., & Shi, J. (2013). Team-member exchange and work engagement: Does personality make a difference? Journal of Business and Psychology, 28, 63-77.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P. E., Chang, C.-H., *Gallant-Roman, M., & *Powell, J. (2012). A longitudinal examination of workplace violence against nurses: Physical consequences and psychosocial precursors. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49, 1091-1102.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P. E., Sanchez, J., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S., Cooper, C.L., Lapierre, L.M., O'Driscoll, M.P., Abarca, A., Alexandrova, M., Antoniou, A., Beham, B., Brough, P., Carikci, I., Ferreiro, P., Fraile, G., Geurts, S., Kinnunen, U., Lu, C., Lu, L., Morenlo-Velazquez, I.F., Pagon, M., Pitariu, H., Salamatov, V., Siu, O-L., Shima, S., Simoni, A.S., Tillemann, K., Widerszal-Bazyl, M., & Woo,J-M. (2012). Individualism-collectivism as a moderator of the work demands-strains relationship: A cross-level and cross-national examination. Journal of International Business Studies, 43, 424-443.

Yang, L.-Q., Xu, X., Allen, T.D., Shi, K., Zhang, X., & Lou, Z. (2011). Mentoring in China: Enhanced understanding and association with occupational stress. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26, 485-499.

Nixon, A., Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P.E., & Zhang, X.C. (2011). Emotional labor in China: Examining moderators and consequences of the emotional labor process. Stress and Health, 27, 289-305.

Levine, E.L., Xu, X., Yang, L.-Q., Ispas, D., Pitariu, H.D., Bian, R., Ding, D., Capotescu, R., Musat, S., & Che, H.S. (2011). Cross-national explorations of the impact of affect at work using the State-Trait Emotion Measure (STEM): A coordinated series of studies in the United States, China and Romania. Human Performance, 24, 405-442.

Brannick, M.T., Yang, L.-Q., & Cafri, G. (2011). Comparison of weights for meta-analysis of r and d under realistic conditions. Organizational Research Methods, 14, 587-607.

Johnson, R.E., Chang, C.H., & Yang, L.-Q. (2010). Commitment and motivation at work: The relevance of employee identity and regulatory focus. Academy of Management Review, 35, 226-245.

Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E.L., Xu, X., & Lopez-Rivas, G.E. (2009). Surveying via the Net vs. Hard Copy: A Cautionary Note. Ergometrika, 16, 20-39.

Bauer, J., Saboe, K., Cho, E., Yang, L.-Q., Johnson, R. E., Erol, H. T., Göncü, A. , & Tan, J. A. (2009). How prevalent are the different types of organizational justice research? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 196-198.

Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E.L., Smith, A. M., Ispas, D. & Rossi, M.E. (2008). Person-environment fit or person plus environment: A meta-analysis of studies using polynomial regression analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 18, 311-321.

Yang, L.-Q., Che, H.S., & Spector, P.E. (2008). Job stress and well-being: An examination from the view of person-environment fit. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81, 567-587.

Chang, C.H., Johnson, R.E., & Yang, L.-Q. (2007). Strain and organizational citizenship behavior: A meta-analysis. Work & Stress, 21, 312-332.

Zhang, X.C., Yang, L.-Q., Xu, X.F., & Che, H.S. (2006). The mechanisms through which negative affectivity affects work stress process. Psychological Science (in Chinese), 29, 967-969.

Jiang, J., Yang, L.-Q., & Xu, Y. (2004). The validation of Work Locus of Control Scale in China. Journal of Mental Health (in Chinese), 18, 628-630.

Yang, L.-Q. (2004). Assessment center. In Hongsheng Che (Eds). Personnel selection (in Chinese). Beijing, China: Tuanjie Press.

Wang, L., Che, H.S., & Yang, L.-Q. (2003). The hierarchical taxonomy of leadership personality traits, Psychological Science (in Chinese), 6, 101-110.