Christopher M. Campbell, Ph.D.

Christopher Campbell

Assistant Professor

Criminology and Criminal Justice - Urban & Public Affairs

(503) 725-9896

Criminology and Criminal Justice Department

Dr. Campbell earned his Ph.D. in criminal justice and criminology in 2015 from Washington State University. His broad research interests emphasize institutional and community corrections, criminal justice policy, and criminological theory. His current research focuses on the practices of sanctioning offender misconduct in community supervision and prison settings. Most notably, Dr. Campbell's work has found evidence suggesting that traditional practices of returning to confinement parolees who technically violate the conditions of their release may actually increase the likelihood to commit a new crime. 

In addition, Dr. Campbell has studied the importance of attitudes and perceptions as they relate to criminal justice agents and general criminality. Recently, he has begun to involve more work in juvenile delinquency in an effort to investigate other causes of crime and possible methods to address those causes through rehabilitation and policy.

Students in Dr. Campbell’s prior classes note the following about his teaching: 

“He is extremely knowledgeable and is able to convey that to his students in a way that relates to the coursework. I appreciate the material being made interesting. Also, it's amazing having a professor that does meaningful research in the field.”

“Dr. Campbell has always been there when I needed advice for his class, classes in general or even life. He has an open door policy which allows students the freedom and comfort of being able to talk to him whenever needed. He is also very quick to respond the emails and also makes sure we understand what he is explaining. He truly cares about his students both on an academic level and as a person.”