Jennifer Ruth

Jennifer Ruth


Film, College of the Arts

LH 329A
(503) 725-4944

Jennifer Ruth teaches core courses in film history, theory and interpretation as well as topics courses on sinophone cinema, global art film, and the cinemas of China, Eastern Europe, and Russia. Her most recent article on film is "What Would Siegfried Kracauer Say about Tom Ford's Nocturnal Animals?" in Senses of Cinema. A member of the AAUP's Committee A on academic freedom, she writes on higher education issues for the Academe blog. She is the co-author, with Michael Bérubé, of The Humanities, Higher Education, and Academic Freedom: Three Necessary Arguments (2015) and It's Not Free Speech: Race, Democracy, and the Future of Academic Freedom (2022). Before moving to the School of Film in 2015, Ruth taught critical theory, cultural studies and the Victorian novel in the English department at Portland State University. Her book, Novel Professions: Interested Disinterest and the Making of the Professional in the Victorian Novel, was published in 2006. See her WEBPAGE for recent articles, videoessays, etc.

  • PhD, 1999
    Brown University
  • BA, 1991
    Swarthmore College