Gita Mehrotra

Gita Mehrotra

Associate Professor

Social Work, School of

PSU History 

Joined the PSU SSW in Fall 2014.


Prior to entering higher education, gita was involved with anti-violence (DV) work in a variety of capacities including: direct service, education/training, and program and organizational development; community building with LGBTQ communities of color.

Academic/Research Interests 

Racial equity and social justice in social work education; safety, identities & wellness of BIPOC women and LGBTQ people; domestic violence in minoritized communities; and critical and feminist theories and methodologies for social work.

Personal Interests

Spending time with loved ones, being at the ocean, yoga, arts and cultural work, and trying new shades of lipstick.

  • PhD
    University of Washington
  • MSW
    University of Minnesota
  • BA (Sociology & Psychology)
    Macalester College