Amie Thurber

Amie Thurber

Assistant Professor

Social Work, School of

Wed: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
(503) 725-9918

PSU History

Joined the PSU School of Social Work in 2018.


Community practice, community development, social justice education, neighborhood and community-based organizing, non-profit administration, organizational development and consulting, dispute resolution, program development and evaluation; social action group work, intergroup dialogue, place-based interventions, community-engaged public art and history projects, critical participatory action research.

Academic/Research Interests

•  Theory development:  Exploring the effects of gentrification and other forms of neighborhood change on community well-being; studying approaches to equitable development; understanding the roles of place attachment to well-being; theories and processes of social justice.

•  Practice development: Community and place-based interventions that foster place attachments, social ties, and civic action; policy and organizing strategies that advance equitable development; social justice education; interprofessional practice in social work. 

•  Methodological development: Community-driven, participatory approaches to inquiry; community-engaged teaching and learning.

Personal Interests

•  Getting my hands dirty (gardening, making art, building stuff)

•  Exploring where I live (visiting farms, attending community events, learning area history)

•  Hanging with friends, family, and creatures (cooking, crafting, adventuring in the vanagon)

  • PhD
    Vanderbilt University