An update to campus on coronavirus response
Author: University Communications
Posted: March 6, 2020

PSU is continuing to monitor the coronavirus outbreak in the region and around the world. We are in daily communication with public health partners including the Oregon Health Authority for the latest information on the virus and guidance on our response. Here is the latest information we can provide on PSU’s response to the current situation and the plans we are putting in place for changes that may occur in the future. 

PSU continues to align our policies with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on travel. We have already suspended official university travel to countries that have CDC’s Level 3 travel warning: China, South Korea, Italy and Iran. 
We realize that with spring break coming, many people have plans to travel. Please be aware that every person traveling for any reason from a CDC Level 3 country MUST self-quarantine at home for 14 days upon return to the U.S. While, there are four Level 3 countries now, new countries could be added at any time including while you are traveling. Check the CDC’s travel website for the latest updates. 

PSU has increased the frequency of cleaning for high-touch surfaces and high traffic areas including light switches, door handles, remote controls, all bathroom surfaces, elevator buttons and other high priority areas. 

In response to mounting concerns about how instructor or student absences might impact classes, the PSU Incident Management Team set up a workgroup to focus specifically on academic continuity. The workgroup is comprised of representatives from each of the schools and colleges and representatives from OAI, OIT, the Registrar’s Office, and Emergency Management. The workgroup developed Academic Continuity Guidance for instructors and departments. Additionally, the Office of Academic Innovation and Office of Information Technology have compiled resources for instructors and departments to use in their planning for academic continuity.

While we all hope that the coronavirus won't require radical changes to campus operations, we can and should take steps to prepare for staff absences. To help departments prepare for a range of scenarios, the Incident Management Team is requesting all departments complete operational continuity documentation — a simple worksheet to aid in planning. Department directors were contacted earlier today, and the worksheet can be found on the Operational Continuity section of the coronavirus response website.

By now you’ve probably heard the hand washing message 100 times, but proactive hygiene is still the most effective tool for staying healthy. We also urge anyone who is sick to stay home. And if you haven’t yet gotten a flu shot, it’s not too late. While flu shots aren’t effective against COVID-19, they are still effective against the flu and are another step to take to keep healthy. 

As we continue to monitor the latest coronavirus-related updates, we will continue to keep the PSU community informed. Visit the Coronavirus Response website for more information.