Champs-Élysées Film Festival


5th Avenue Cinema

Cost / Admission

Free and Open to Public


The Champs-Élysées Film Festival returns to Portland State's campus! FREE AND OPEN TO ALL, the festival features indie short-, medium-, and long-feature movies over three days at the 5th Avenue Cinema on campus. Each day, we will have a post-screening discussion with artistic director Justine Lévêque, and on Saturday, there will be a roundtable about independent cinema on both sides of the Atlantic.

Friday, 7 p.m.: "Mauvaises filles"
This striking documentary tells the story of 9 rebel girls placed in special correctional facilities that existed until the 1970s in France. Preceded by the medium-length film "Planète triste."

Saturday, 7 p.m.: "Bar Atlantic"
Follow the everyday life of the kind but struggling managers of a neighborhood bar in southern France. Preceded by the medium-length film "Sardines."

Sunday, 5 p.m.: Short Films

Flyer for French film festival