Rep. Bonamici visits PSU campus to talk student needs

Rep. Bonamici visiting the PSU Food Pantry, in conversation with two students and an advisor.
Rep. Bonamici toured the PSU Food Pantry as part of a learning visit to PSU.

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon’s 1st Congressional District was on the Portland State University Campus Monday morning touring the PSU Food Pantry and the Helen Gordon Child Development Center, as she talked with students and staff about how students and children care are getting their basic needs met. 

Rep. Bonamici also met and spoke with two PSU students who are finding a safe place to sleep this term at The Landing, a shelter at the First United Methodist Church established for Portland State students. 

“Housing insecurity, along with food insecurity, is far too prevalent among students,” Bonamici said, pausing on the porch of the Simon Benson House to speak with a reporter. 

Rep. Bonamici said the Build Back Better Act that recently passed in the U.S. House of Representatives includes provisions that will help boost basic needs programs. At Helen Gordon, she referenced a bipartisan bill that she introduced this month with Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler (R-WA) to improve access to nutritious meals and snacks in child care facilities, after-school programs and other care settings. 

She wrapped up  her visit at the PSU Food Pantry in the basement of the Smith Memorial Student Union where she met with several student workers and Angela Hamilton, coordinator of student operated services. She learned about the demand for the Pantry services, which provides free donated foods from partners including the Oregon Food Bank and Green Zebra Grocery, but also helps students navigate other services.

Bonamici said she was surprised by the number of students who struggle with food insecurity — a 2020 report by the PSU Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative found 47% of students experienced food insecurity in the 30 days prior to completing the survey — and vowed to continue to work on ways to improve access to nutritious food.