Rahmat Shoureshi announces his resignation as PSU president

Dear PSU community, 

For nearly two years, I have had the honor of leading Portland State University, a great public urban research university embedded in the heart of Portland, the most vibrant city in Oregon. I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with innovative faculty, dedicated staff and committed students. Together, we have accomplished many significant achievements, including the creation of a vision and goals for PSU 2025, launched historic fundraising efforts and launched two Centers for Excellence addressing homelessness and digital cities.  

We have initiated a new approach to affordability and experiential learning through our Co-Op Program and have developed Student Success initiatives for increasing retention and graduation rates. We have focused on student body diversity and the university’s global footprint by promoting meaningful relationships with top universities in China and Saudi Arabia.  

I am truly proud of our exemplary achievements, and I will cherish my service here, but the time has come for me to focus on my family first. Therefore, I am resigning as PSU President, effective December 14, 2019. 

PSU is a great university, and has an exciting future ahead of it. I wish you all well and thank you for the exceptional opportunity you provided me. I also would like to express my gratitude to all members of the PSU campus community, and those in the Portland area who have extended their support and encouragement to me and my family. 

Warmest Regards,

Rahmat Shoureshi