Walk of the Heroines Annual Lecture with Professor Bettina Judd 2023


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School of Gender, Race & Nations P: 503.725.9093 E: sgrn@pdx.edu

Please join the Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies department for the Walk of the Heroines annual lecture. This year's lecture by Professor Judd is titled "Feelin."

Feelin is not feeling. The poet, artist, and scholar Dr. Bettina Judd turns to the creative processes and contributions of Black women artists, writers, and poets to talk about feelin—how Black women artists approach and produce knowledge as sensation: internal and complex, entangled with pleasure, pain, anger, and joy, and manifesting artistic production itself as the meaning of the work. Judd will take a word from African American Vernacular English and a concept from Black women to ask us to think critically about critical theory’s trend toward disembodying feelin. Judd's talk will bring us to how Black women artists offer alternatives to the concept of the human to include the erotic, the sexual, the painful, the joyful, the shameful, and the sensations and emotions that have no name as of yet. By incorporating visual art, narrative, and poetry, Judd will speak to how feelin calls for the development of research methods that acknowledge creative and emotionally rigorous work as productive. 

Read Professor Judd's full bio here.

Photo of guest speaker Bettina Judd