PSU Textile Arts | Artist Talk with Kyle Denman


Live-streamed from Parallax Art Center 516 NW 14th Avenue Portland, OR 97209

Cost / Admission

Free - RSVP via Eventbrite


PSU Textile Arts and Parallax Art Center welcome Kyle Denman to discuss his work intersecting fashion design with social justice.

Kyle Denman is a designer whose mission is to create social change, share cultural narratives, and humanize the experiences of underserved communities. Denman teaches fashion design and art to at-promise youth in Los Angeles, California. Many of his students have experienced trauma, such as trafficking, homelessness, gang violence, incarceration, domestic violence, and substance abuse. This event will be live-streamed from the Parallax Art Center in conjunction with the exhibition CLOTH, Construct, CULTURE: fashion builds a story.

Zoom Link: htps://

RSVP via Eventbrite

Woman in a yellow dress designed by Kyle Denman.