The Oregon Bee Fauna and its Flora as Discovered by Volunteer Master Melittologists


Cramer Hall 53

Cost / Admission

Free and Open to All


Join Environmental Science and Management for a winter seminar series on pollinators. Our series continues with Dr. Lincoln Best from OSU Extension Service. His talk is titled, "The Oregon Bee Fauna and its Flora as Discovered by Volunteer Master Melittologists."

Dr. Best is the taxonomist for the Oregon Bee Atlas and an educator for the Master Melittologist program. He serves a broad community of investigators in the PNW and serves as a director for the Native Bee Society of British Columbia. The Master Melittologist program at Oregon State University trains volunteers to document bee biodiversity and floral relations. Their effort has revealed many new and beautiful relationships within the state.

This series is supported by a generous donation from alum Steve Wille.

A bee and butterfly pollinating on a flower