Matthias Kemeny Design Lecture Series presents Saki Mafundikwa


Portland State University 5th Avenue Cinema 510 SW Hall St. Portland, OR 97201

Cost / Admission

Free - Register via Eventbrite


Saki Mafundikwa will be at 5th Avenue Cinema on Tuesday, March 7th, at 6 pm, giving his talk titled "Look within for the most powerful design" or "Magic happens when you look within"

This event is open to the public.

Reserve your free ticket via Eventbrite.

Saki Mafundikwa is the recipient of the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award (also known as the President’s Award) from Design and Art Direction (D&AD), the UK’s premier design and advertising organization. He is the founder and director of the Zimbabwe Institute of Vigital Arts (ZIVA) a design and new media training college in Harare. He has an MFA in Graphic Design from Yale University. His book, Afrikan Alphabets: the Story of Writing in Afrika was published in 2004. Besides being of historical importance, it is also the first book on Afrikan typography. It is currently out of print.

His award-winning first film, Shungu: The Resilience of a People had its world premiere at 2009’s International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). He was a speaker at TED2013, keynoted the first Pan African Design Institute (PADI) conference in Ghana in 2019, and spoke at TED/PMI in Tanzania in 2019. He has also run workshops for design students in Europe, North, South, and Central America, and Afrika.
He has been published widely on design and cultural issues and is currently working on a revised edition of Afrikan Alphabets which he hopes will be published in 2023. He lives, works and farms in Harare, Zimbabwe.

The Matthias Kemeny Design Lecture Series is coordinated and managed by us here in the A+D Projects class! This series brings internationally celebrated design professionals annually to Portland to give a lecture for the benefit of the students and faculty in the Graphic Design program and the broader design community. This series is free and open to the public and highlights a wide range of design practices in an attempt to facilitate a community-wide dialogue about design and related fields. The Matthias D. Kemeny Charitable Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation has made the series possible.

Saki Mafundikwa