Fridays@1 | Architecture Career Fair


Shattuck Hall 212 SW Broadway at Hall Street, Portland

Cost / Admission

Free - You Must Register at the link below


We are so excited to announce this special Friday@1 Career Fair event - we have invited firms from all around Portland to come and network with our students! This event will start half an hour earlier and end half an hour later (12:30-2:30) than typically scheduled and will be housed in Shattuck 212 (not the Annex!). We hope meaningful conversations and connections will be generated during this time. Come prepared with your elevator pitch and be ready to chat - these companies are excited to meet you and can be incredible sources that could lead to various internships or even job opportunities! This will be an open house style event - come in at any point within the 2 hours. 

YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT! Please complete this Google form letting us know you will attend this Friday@1 Career Fair.

What is Friday@1?

On most Fridays at 1 p.m. during the academic term, PSU School of Architecture students and faculty gather to hear from professional designers and architects, academics, visiting artists, innovators, and students in the program. Friday@1 is a perfect way to wrap up each week of intense creativity in the studio and get inspired for the productive weekend ahead.

Free and Open to the public. All are welcome.

Career Fair