February PSU Technical Communication Meetup: Preparing for Social Justice Work


FMH 302 (Option to join remotely: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/87569525598)

Cost / Admission

Free and open to public



Welcome back to another academic year of the PSU Technical Communication Meetup! The purpose of the meetup is to create community around technical communication at PSU for students, staff, alums, prospective students and community friends.
In February, Dr. Sid Patcha Lum will discuss her research.
The in-person event will happen on the PSU Campus in the English Department, Room 302. Hot pizza will be served!
The event can also be accessed remotely at the Zoom link below. Virtual pizza will be served in Zoomland.

Title: Preparing Technical Communicators for Social Justice Work
Who: Guest speaker Dr. Sid Patcha Lum, PSU English Department
When: Wed., February 22, 2023, 5:30-7:00pm
In-person location: PSU Campus, FMH 302 (English Department)
Virtual location: Zoom, https://pdx.zoom.us/j/87569525598

Technical Writing Postcard