February PSU Technical Communication Meetup: Ellen Graham from PacifiCorp


FMH 302 (Option to join remotely: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/82438383017)

Cost / Admission

Free and open to public



On Wednesday February 7th, we'll be hosting Ellen Graham, Senior Technical Writer [Document Manager + Editor] at PacifiCorp with over 13yrs of working experience in the field. She has revised 2,000+ standards, specifications, policies, procedures, and has a wealth of experience with federal grant applications. Ellen will share her experience as a Technical Writer working with Subject Matter Experts (SME's), the overlapping tasks of writing and editing, using style guides, publication software and so much more.

This will be a great avenue for you to peep into the life of a Technical Writer on the job, and learn first-hand Technical Writing 'hacks' that work in industry! To make the most of this session, you should come with questions on any and everything you'd like to know more about.

Reminder: Pacificorp has a paid summer internship opportunity for technical writing students. Here's a great chance to ask questions and apply!

The in-person event will happen in FMH 302. Hot pizza will be served at 5:15!

The event can also be accessed remotely at the Zoom link below.

Title: February PSU Technical Communication Meetup
Topic: Meetup with Ellen, Senior Technical Writer [Document Manager + Editor] at PacifiCorp
When: Wed., Feb 7, 2024, 5:30-7:00pm
In-person location: PSU Campus, FMH 302 (English Department)
Zoom link: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/82438383017

Technical Writing Postcard