Campus Alert:
10:12 PM
May 10th, 2024

PSU ALERT: Shelter in Place ENDED. Continue to avoid area in front of Hoffman Hall

University Closure Policy FAQs

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions. Use the links below to quickly navigate to the answers and information.

What if I work more or less than an 8-hour shift?

Please enter the hours that were in your scheduled shift.

Why does my coworker have more hours left than I do?

The bank is based on use and each employee’s start date.

  • Example 1Existing employee & new hire: If PSU has 4 days of inclement weather closures (LTW) in fiscal year 2020, an existing employee who worked 8 hour shifts for each of those closure days would go into fiscal year 2021 with 16 hours remaining in their bank. In contrast, a new SEIU-represented employee who starts in July, 2020 would have an inclement weather bank of 24 hours (2 hours * 12 months remaining in the contract from their date of hire).
  • Example 2Employees with different shift lengths: If PSU has 4 days of inclement weather closures (LTW) in fiscal year 2020, an employee who works 10 hours shifts would have used 40 hours of their inclement weather bank and would have 8 hours remaining for the rest of the CBA. In contrast, an employee who works 8 hours per shift would have used 32 hours and would have 16 hours left in their inclement weather bank.
  • Example 3Employee with shifts not covered by closure events: An employee who works mostly on the weekends but no closure events impacted the weekend schedule. In this case, the employee who is scheduled on weekend shifts will have more available bank hours than an employee who was scheduled to work during the work week closures.

What if there is a weather event on the weekend?

The key to look for is “scheduled hours”. Because the university has events going 7 days a week, a closure should be announced, even on a weekend. If you are scheduled to work on that day you can use the leave taken weather and will receive overtime pay for all hours worked.

What if I've scheduled sick or vacation time during a weather event?

Use the hours you were scheduled for as indicated in the chart below. If you were scheduled for leave hours use the leave. If you were scheduled for regular hours, use leave taken weather (LTW).

What if employees want to work at home but are not considered "essential services"?

SEIU employees should check with their supervisor before working from home during an inclement weather closure. Only essential staff should be working.