Flexible Spending Accounts

There are two types of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs):

  • Health Care FSAs allow you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible medical items.
  • Dependent Care FSAs allow you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible child care expenses.

FSA's are annual accounts and do not roll over. (please see grace period)

If you want an FSA for the coming plan year, you must enroll during Open Enrollment.

You can't revoke your participation in an FSA after it goes into effect.

FSA's are administered by PEBB and provided through ASIFlex. For more information on Flexible Spending Accounts visit ASIFlex.

*Send enrollment or change forms to inquiries.pebb@dhsoha.state.or.us.


Health Care Flexible Spending


Dependent Care Flexible Spending

  • Dependent care expenses are incurred when the services are provided and not when you are billed for or pay for those services.
  • The annual employee contribution limit for an individual dependent care FSA is $5,000.
  • Only work-related expenses qualify for Dependent Care Reimbursement.
  • Dependent care will be canceled while on leave. It must be reinstated upon return to work with a midyear change form.
  • You will only be reimbursed money already in your ASI flex account. This will delay payments.
    • ex. You begin your dependent care flexible spending January 1st. You will pay out of pocket for January childcare costs. At the end of January, your deduction is taken out of your January pay. It is deposited into your ASI flex around the 9th of the following month. At that time you can submit claims.
  • List of Dependent Care FSA qualified individuals and expenses
  • FAQ on Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts
  • Dependent Care FSA Program Overview
  • File claims online

