Student Organizations - Undergraduate

Why should you join a student group?

Research shows that students who participate in student organizations are more likely to stay in school, get better grades, be happier in college, learn more, get better jobs, make more money and graduate.

Networking, networking, networking. Who you know in the field will help you get your foot in the door.
Student Orgs are the best way to knock on the door! 

Develop invaluable leadership skills. Be better prepared to enter the job market. Successfully tackling organization events and projects shows your potential to an employer.  

Better yourself as a student and beyond! Research from a recent National Association of College and Employers shows that students who join student organizations are much more likely to:

  • Have higher GPAs
  • Stay in college and graduate
  • Have higher self-esteem and self-confidence

Add to your resume! Your experience outside of the classroom will make your resume stand out from other applicants. Recruiters look for students with Student Org experience and will want to talk with you. 

Learn about your major in a real-world setting. See what you are learning in class come to life and experience, in a real way, what your future will be!

Dean Groups

Dean's Student Circle

Dean of The School of Business, Dr. Hu, invites students to apply for a unique opportunity. The Dean’s Student Circle is a small hand-selected group of students that meets regularly to network and be mentored. All business students, particularly those from underserved backgrounds, are encouraged to apply. 

Dean's Future Leaders

Each year the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Jacob Suher, personally selects several new students to join her Future Leaders Group. Selected individuals reflect The School of Business's diverse student body and must have leadership potential.

Student Groups & Organizations

A&O Connect

The Athletic and Outdoor Connect student group links students with outdoor industry leaders and resources to create lasting relationships and build strong networks. Our goal is to bridge the worlds of business and academia to establish an environment of shared learning and mentorship. Throughout the school year, A&O Connect hosts networking events, guest speakers and firm tours for students within the Athletic and Outdoor Industry Certificate program and anyone who is interested in this industry. 

The Marketing Collective (PSU’s marketing club)

The Marketing Collective is where marketing students, graphic designers, copywriters, and strategists can network, learn from industry leaders (CMOs) and get career guidance. Each month, we plan events and gatherings aimed at helping you grow in your marketing journey. Join now!

Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting & Finance Honors Society)

Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) is an honorary organization for financial information students and professionals. The primary objective of Beta Alpha Psi is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field. Membership in Beta Alpha Psi creates networking opportunities with firms, professionals and professors, increases access to the accounting recruiting process, and surrounds members with like-minded peers.

Business Analytics Club

The Business Analytics Club (BAC) provides business students the opportunity to analyze businesses using the tools and methods that are in high demand in the workforce. BAC wants to make data, numbers, and analysis less intimidating for students.

Financial Management Association

The Financial Management Association (FMA) of Portland State University acts as a direct liaison between students and business communities. Through professional speakers, company tours, internships and students are provided with opportunities to develop leadership, gain professional training and make employment contacts. It is our goal to create as many opportunities as possible for students in The School of Business by creating a student culture that strives for success in the classroom and desires skills to succeed as professionals. 

FIR Advertising

FIR Advertising (MKTG 440) is a student-run, nonprofit advertising agency providing creative, account management, research, and media buying and planning services at no cost to clients in the Portland area. Students have the opportunity to apply lessons learned in the classroom to real-world projects and experience what it's like to produce work for real clients, all while building a valuable portfolio of work to present to employers in job interviews. In exchange, clients benefit from the expertise of PSU's award-winning advertising students to solve their business problems. FIR accepts 10 to 12 applicants into the agency each term. Students earn four credits P/NP in addition to experience to add to their resumes.

Human Resource Management Association

The Human Resource Management Association (HRMA) is a student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, sponsored by the Portland Human Resource Management Association. PSU HRMA offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of HRM topics and to begin building a professional network for your future. Our professional network in the Portland area is extensive and comprised of top HR professionals. 

Multicultural Business Student Association (MBSA)

MBSA was created and is led by students, with a vision to build community within the multicultural student body of the PSU Business School. Our objectives are to build connections with each other and strengthen our candidacy for future careers. Students are invited to personal and professional development events with fellow students to learn and grow alongside one another, and gain insights from business professionals. We are passionate about preparing our members for their futures, and making an impact on their lives.

Supply and Logistics Management Association

The Supply and Logistics Management Association (SLMA) provides students with the opportunity to learn more about the supply and logistics field through networking events with local professionals and prepare students for their careers in the field. The SLMA also offers opportunities for students to practice and hone their knowledge and understanding as well as provide knowledge and talent to other student groups and the university.