As an alumnus of The School of Business, you have a lifetime connection to a hub of networking and career development opportunities. We actively nurture connections between our students, alumni and the regional business community to help us all flourish.

You are in a unique position to invest in the university and support our mission to transform the future of business. We deeply value your story and encourage you to empower our current students by sharing your educational and career journey. There are many ways for you to stay connected to The School of Business, pursue lifelong education and invest in the next generation of business leaders.

Stay Connected and Continue to Grow

Continue your education and develop meaningful relationships with your fellow alumni.

Empower Future Business Leaders

Support current students and our programs financially and by lending your expertise.

For more information on opportunities for alumni, please email

Professional Networking through PSU Works

PSU Works is a networking and mentorship platform exclusively for the PSU community. Join today and become a mentor to students, share career advice with other PSU alums, or find a mentor of your own.