Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Action Plan

Updated July 27, 2023
Published December 9, 2020

SB Diversity Perspective

The events of the spring of 2020 have made it even more clear that as a School we need to make stronger, sustained commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work in order to best serve our community. Accordingly, we, The School of Business dean, associate deans, and chief accounting and budgetary officer, have made a commitment to redefining business and transforming lives. The business school strives to create positive social, ecological and economic impact through inclusive, transformative learning and meaningful research. In an effort to accomplish our mission and vision we developed an action plan containing the initiatives we are committing to over a five year period.In the school of business we are creating a learning community that will help change the systems in which businesses operate, not perpetuate the inequalities within them. 

Diversity Equity & Inclusion Action Plan 

Many of us are part of PSU’s School of Business because we believe that business needs to do good, not just help people do well financially. Our new strategic plan codifies these values and anchors our future.  Accordingly, The School of Business developed an action plan containing the initiatives we are committing to during the next five years. The DEI Action Plan draws heavily on the Inclusive Business Strategic Initiative, one of the core components of the newly adopted strategic plan. The action plan is organized according to a DEI action framework provided by Ame Lambert, PSU’s VP for Global Diversity and Inclusion, with four central themes. The plan is a living document that represents an evolving commitment on our part.

Access, Success and Equity


Initiatives to Support Access 

Access will…

Grow support programs for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students                                                                                                                                                                                 

Increase the pipeline between high school and college for URM students through Summer Business Institute. Expand Undergraduate and Graduate sense of belonging through participation in the ATMOS, and MAVERIX student success groups.

DEI-based faculty staff recruitment and hiring plan 

Create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for faculty and staff. DEI efforts require an ongoing commitment and continuous improvement. 

Hire BIPOC full-time faculty  

Foster a more inclusive and equitable learning environment, prepare students for diverse workplaces, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in areas related to diversity and inclusion.

Initiatives to Support Success 

Success will…

Design strategy and process plan for retaining BIPOC faculty and staff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Lead to increased representation, improved diversity of thought, enhanced student engagement, expanded research outputs, foster a positive institutional reputation, improve employee satisfaction, and increased alumni support. These successes contribute to a more inclusive and impactful business school environment.

Develop post-graduate career fellowship for ATMOS students upon graduation 

First generation college students become first generation professionals. These professionals require support post graduation. Supported students will receive larger offers and will persist in their initial post college employment.

Initiatives to Support Equity

Equity will…

Offer workplace racial equity training sequence to all full-time faculty and staff

Equity training will lead to increase awareness of systemic racial issues, Improve teaching and mentoring, enhance student engagement and success, while reducing disparities and bias, additionally it improves recruitment and retention while strengthening community relationships

Devote at least half-day of annual School of Business faculty-staff retreat to DEI 

Fostering and understanding of Diversity Equity and Inclusions will help to change the climate and learning environment in the school of business.

All full-time faculty and staff undergo training specifically focusing on Student and classroom interactions centering the BIPOC Student experience and issues around DEI. At least one lunch and learn per quarter.

Through training prepare faculty and staff to address the unique needs of our student population

The School of Business - Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion 

  • Qing Hu, Dean
  • Evan T. Green, Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion
  • Emilio Vicini, Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board Chair 
  • Diana Cañas, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Specialist-Atmos 
  • Vacant, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Specialist-Maverix
  • John Nguyen, Chief Accounting and Budgetary Officer
  • Dean’s Senior Team 

Offer Feedback

We must work together on our journey toward meaningful change. We invite you to offer feedback or suggestions for how we can best serve you and our community. All submissions will be read and considered by The School of Business leadership team listed above.