Benefits of Enrolling in a Business Minor

Two students in focus in a group of moving students outside

Tailored for Your Interests

Choose from five unique Business Minors, each tailored for students with different interests and career goals. Find a Business Minor for you. 

Students use sticky notes on a white board and have laptops open

Double Dip Your Business Minor Credits

All of the 300-level courses within the Business Minor also count towards the Design Thinking/Innovation/Entrepreneurship University Studies cluster.

Student Organization

School of Business Student Organizations

Research shows that students who participate in student organizations make connections and gain skills that lead to better grades, being happier in college, learning more, graduating earlier, getting better jobs and making more money.

two people talking at a table outside in front of a large glass window

The School of Business Career Center

The School of Business Career Center offers customized career resources. Many of the Career Center programs and resources include tools and videos that are available 24/7 for Business Minors.

students working together at a table indoors

Loaner Laptops

Laptops are available for loan to Business Minor students who need them. Complete your coursework using the free loaner laptop program.