Campus Alert:
12:11 PM
May 2nd, 2024

PSU ALERT: The SHELTER IN PLACE for Montgomery and Blackstone Halls has ENDED.


Jumpstart your career prep with short videos by SB Career Coaches! 

Topics range from resume writing to salary negotiation and include tips to help you be a standout candidate. 

Whether you are preparing for an internship, your first professional job, or looking to accelerate your career, this video series is an excellent place to get the quick start you need.


AI can provide valuable assistance to job and internship seekers when used ethically. AI can help in drafting resumes and cover letters, finding interview questions for specific positions, and aiding in the career exploration process. Click below for guidance on how to use AI in all areas of your career readiness journey.

Identity-Based Career Resources

Group of Students

For students who identify as: Queer, BIPOC, International, Veterans, DACA & DREAMers, and students with disabilities. Additionally, we have SB created resources for Undocumented, International, and Justice Impacted Students.

VMOCK - an AI Resume Tool 

VMOCK logo

VMOCK is a 24-7 online resume review tool that leverages data science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume. All business majors and SB graduate program students have access. Visit this page for sample resumes and VMOCK access information.

Entrepreneurship Resources

Two students working on a laptop

 Center for Entrepreneurship & Self-Employment Resources                                                                                                              


Access FREE LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning logo

Build skills that will increase your employability with LinkedIn Learning with topics ranging from leadership and business management to Excel and beyond! Create an account with the Multnomah Public Library, our host site for LinkedIn Learning, and complete instructions on setting up an account.