Global Supply Chain Management

Cliff Allen, Ph.D., Vergil Miller Professor
Dr. Allen’s major research interests include global outsourcing of Research & Development and design, sustainable practices of reverse logistics and closed loop supply chains. His twenty-seven years’ experience in supply chain and engineering provide the foundation for his research. Dr. Allen is actively involved with the business community and often presents his research in forums such as The American Production and Inventory Control Society. His most recent article was published in the Operations and Supply Chain Management Journal.

Scott DuHadway, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Cameron Professor of Supply Chain Management 
Dr. DuHadway’s research is focused on the intersection of organizational behavior with supplier relationship management, buyer-supplier relationships, and relational risk. Specifically, his research explores how organizational behavior affects impact inter-organizational relationships to better understand opportunistic and negative firm behavior in the supply chain context. His research has appeared in journals such as Decision Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Supply Chain Management, and Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.

Carlos Mena, Eng. D., Associate Professor, Nike Professorship in Supply Chain Strategy 
The focus of Dr. Mena’s research is the impact of supply chain management practices on economic, social and environmental performance. He has more than 25 refereed publications to his name including articles in IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management and International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. He has also published two books entitled “Leading Procurement Strategy” and “Delivering Performance in Food Supply Chains.” Dr. Mena was awarded the School of Business Researcher of the Year Award in 2019.

David Raffo, Ph.D., Professor
Dr. Raffo's research interests include Strategic Software and Systems Engineering, Economic Analysis of Engineering Decisions, Business Case Development, Software Process Improvement, Quality Assurance Planning, and Quantitative Process Management. Dr. Raffo has over fifty peer-reviewed publications in the field of software engineering and three U.S. Patents.

Wanying Shi, Ph.D., Instructor                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Shi’s research interests include supply chain management, quantitative decision making, and data mining. Specifically, her current research topics focus on supply chain resilience assessment and improvement, but also span across other business fields with management and marketing. Her research has appeared in journals such as IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of General Management, and Operations and Supply Chain Management among others. Dr. Shi also co-authored a teaching case that won the first place in 2019 OIKOS Global Case Writing Competition.

Fredrik Vos Ph.D., Assistant Professor                                                                                                                                               Dr. Vos' research is focused on how organizations in the public, healthcare & industrial sectors can get more value out of their supply chains (i.e., better resource allocation). His research also explores how inter-organizational behavior influences supply chains in terms of risks, sustainability, and digitalization. Dr. Vos is a Board Member of the International Purchasing, Supply Education & Research Association (IPSERA) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. His research has appeared in journals such as International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, International Journal of Production Economics, and Journal of Public Procurement.