Japan Related Courses

photo of college students in a classroom

Japan Related Course Offerings Fall 2024

Classes begin September 30, 2024

Portland State University is a rare university in being able to offer the range of courses about Japan listed below.  We hope that you can avail yourself to one or more of the courses offered this Fall term.

FILM 487 TOP: Survey of Japanese Cinema
W 6:00 - 9:35 pm
Instructor: Professor Patrick A. Terry
4 credits
This course surveys major developments in Japanese film history examining patterns of production, exhibition, and reception. We look at how these developments have influenced aesthetic and film style over the last century. Through the course, you will analyze films in relation to broader movements such as the establishment of major studios, Pure Film, occupation cinema, Japan’s new wave, high-growth anxiety, blockbuster cinema, and media convergence in the 21st century. Through this course students will be able to critically assess films of this national cinema and understand how Japanese cinema as an institution responds to and intervenes in the social, cultural, and political history of Japan.

JPN 370: Japan Asia Lecture Series  
Times: TBD, with flexibility
Instructor: Jon Holt
1 credit
Times vary, but a set number of evening lectures (usually Thursdays).  No regular class meetings.  For this 1-credit course, students will attend all three regular Center for Japanese Studies lectures and events per quarter in order to learn about Japanese culture and history from both cutting-edge scholars and successful business leaders in Portland and greater Oregon. Ten hours of attendance and participation are required for students, but they will have options on how to do their work to demonstrate their broadened awareness and deepened understanding of Japan and Asia today. Note: This course may be listed as meeting 1730-1850 on Thursdays but actually days and meetings will vary. Please consult the instructor for actual class time information.  Course taught in English.

JPN 399 SPST: Reading Japanese Sci-Fi
Times: TBD, Online with flexibility
Instructor: Jon Holt
1 credit
In this “no-classroom”; course, Dr. Holt will lecture and record into the zoomisphere a 30- to 60-minute lecture each week about the canonical science-fiction (“SF”) author/literary work; students then read the book or short stories and then do an end-of-the-week quiz. On alternating weeks students “talk to” to Dr. Holt through your own recordings.  Thus JPN 399 students will 1) gain familiarity with Japanese SF and 2) develop their ability to speak about SF. This new kind of JPN 1-credit class allows for maximum schedule flexibility for students and helps them accelerate their PSU degrees.
Taught in English. Credit by arrangement.

WLL/ENG 383U – Attack on Giants: Giants in Manga and Comics
T/Th 10:00 - 11:50 am
Instructor: Professor Jon Holt
4 credits
Taught in English. Students learn how to compare comic-book genres across two or more world cultures, with a focus on mythical or science-fictional giants. Readings of texts are followed by discussion of cultural differences. Our comparative focus here is on how American, French, and Japanese artists depict their cultural strengths and anxieties through these stories. Readings and discussions are in English. This class can fulfill UNST junior-cluster (U) requirements for Global Perspectives or Pop Culture.  It also can be applied to the Japanese major and minor.

JPN 409/509 Practicum: Teaching Japanese
W  200 – 2:50 pm
Instructor: Professor Karen Curtin
1 credit
Class taught in target language unless otherwise specified. Instructor approval required. 

JPN 411/511 Advanced Japanese
Tu/Th  12:00 - 1:50 pm
Instructor: Professors Jon Holt and Keiko Sugiue
4 credits
Development of oral communication, reading, and writing skills with complex patterns in informal and formal situations. This is the first course in a sequence of two: Jpn 411 and Jpn 412.

JPN 101 First Year Japanese
M/W/F 9:00-10:50 am (Friday session only 9:00 - 9:50 am) OR M/W/F 11:30 - 1:20 pm (Friday session only 11:30-12:20) OR T/TH/F 12:00 - 1:50 pm (Friday session only 12:00 - 12:50 pm) OR T/TH/F 2:00 - 3:50 pm (Friday session only 2:00 - 2:50 pm)
Instructor: Professors Karen Curtin, Takefumi Ariga, and Koichiro Uno
5 credits
An introduction to the Japanese language with emphasis on listening comprehension, speaking, grammatical patterns, the syllabaries, and characters in elementary reading and writing. This is the first course in a sequence of three: Jpn 101, Jpn 102, and Jpn 103.

JPN 201 Second Year Japanese
M/W/F 9:00-10:50 am (Friday session only 9:00 - 9:50 am) OR M/W/F 11:30 - 1:20 pm (Friday session only 11:30-12:20)
Instructor: Professor Suwako Watanabe
5 credits
Continued work in the Japanese language with emphasis on listening comprehension, speaking, grammatical patterns, the syllabaries, and characters in elementary reading and writing. This is the first course in a sequence of three: Jpn 201, Jpn 202, and Jpn 203. Prerequisite: Jpn 103.

JPN 301 Third Year Japanese: Speak & Listen Term 1
T/Th 10:00 - 11:50 am OR 12:00 - 1:50 pm
Instructor: Professor Suwako Watanabe
4 credits
Developing skills to work with semi-authentic materials with focus on reading and writing. This is the first course in a sequence of two: Jpn 301, and Jpn 302. Expected preparation: Jpn 203.

The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers a vast array of Japanese language classes, from beginning to advanced Japanese.  WLL's Japanese language department was ranked 9th nationally for graduating the most Japanese majors, according to a 2019 Chronicle of Higher Education Report. To see the robust offerings and opportunities to learn Japanese and about Japanese culture, please visit the World Languages and Literatures website.

Opportunities exist for non-traditional students to take a variety of courses about Japan, including Japanese language courses at PSU. Additionally, individuals over 65 years of age can audit courses at PSU for free on a space available basis.