Japanese Studies Alumni

Select a name below to see what that person is up to since graduating


Jamie Cox, Graduate of PSU Department of Languages and Literatures

Rio Hara, Former Portland State University Exchange Program Student

Approximately six years ago, Rio Hara transferred from Waseda to Portland State University as an exchange student. During her stay, Rio became a memorable, model student who attended every CJS event and took full advantage of office hours with her professors, arriving with a prepared list of questions each week. While here, she was able to hone her mastery of English and accrue information in her own very specific field of interest: understanding both Japanese and Korean perspectives of modern history. With the insights and knowledge fostered at PSU, she was able to pass the incredibly demanding entrance exams required to become the elite civil servant with Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that she is today.

Recently, she has been sent to Seoul National University to master Korean and continue her pursuit of understanding the different viewpoints of these two complex nations. She has since credited her stay at PSU as being fundamental to her success, and has flourished into the living proof that the CJS helps students from throughout the world achieve their dreams, including our exchange students.

Rio Hara in PSU Sweatshirt outside Seoul National University

Photo of Rio Hara shared with permission.

Nobuko Horikawa, Graduate of PSU Department of Languages and Literatures

Santiago Ravello

Santiago Ravello talks about PSU experience and how it helped him on his career path.