Wellbeing Diaries is a series of articles that explore what wellbeing means to different members of the PSU community. Each person has a unique approach to sustaining or improving wellbeing and it can be helpful to hear strategies or techniques that work for others that might also apply to our own lives. Wellbeing Diaries sheds light on these ideas through weekly installments from a variety of contributors. Our hope is that the articles will spark new ideas for you and foster a sense of community and connection.

Wellbeing Diaries logo is an illustration of an open diary with blank lined pages, and yellow spring flowers growing from the pages of the diary. The words: Wellbeing Diaries are written below, with "Diaries" written in cursive and a pen placed at the end of the "s" in Diaries.

Wellbeing Diaries Newsletter

Sign up for the Wellbeing Diaries newsletter to receive weekly wellbeing content and a link to the Wellbeing Diaries article of the week. 

There is a notebook with lined paper on the grass. There are three pine cones on the right side of the notebook, and there is text on the left that reads, "Call for wellbeing diaries contributors. Spring 2021."

Call for Contributors

Campus Rec is recruiting Wellbeing Diaries contributors to offer your unique perspective on what wellbeing looks like to you. Add your voice to the conversation and share your wellbeing practices and perspective!

There is a person doing yoga in front of a large mirror, there is a grey yoga ball in the background.

What is Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is a state of happiness, health, and fulfillment that allows you to realize your full potential and engage meaningfully in life. Learn more about the eight dimensions of wellbeing and ways to support each on our Wellbeing Webpage.

Wellbeing Diary 1

Movie Marathons, Volunteering & Daydreaming

PSU student, Vanessa Lanning, makes time for movie marathons, volunteers at the Student Sustainability Center, and reminds us that daydreaming can be a wonderful thing. Read Vanessa's diary for tips on checking your phone screen time and using the RAIN method to overcome difficult emotions and practice mindfulness. 

Wellbeing Diary 2

Small Changes and Soothing Sounds

Activate your senses to relax, find joy, and focus on wellbeing! Practicing wellbeing can range from watching Hulu shows and smelling lavender to listening to Hawaiian music and learning a dance routine. Read the full diary for tips on habit stacking, blocking online ads, and saving money.

Wellbeing Diary 3

Portland Waterfront, Mr. Rogers, and Showing Up

Ashley Harrison is a PSU graduate student who likes walking along the Portland waterfront, kickboxing, and “showing up” for others. Read Ashley's diary for an inspiring quote by Mr. Rogers and tips on prioritizing your time and goals while also managing other commitments. 

Wellbeing Diary 4

Rollerblading in the Sun and the Scent of Rain

Jessie Sheeran, a post-baccalaureate student majoring in psychology, enjoys activities that get her outside in the sun such as rollerblading and frisbee golf. Read Jessie’s diary for tips on environmental wellbeing, including her favorite parks, trails, and non-profits.

Wellbeing Diary 5

Prioritizing Goals and Learning About Yourself during Quarantine

This week's article talks about how to prioritize your goals and commitments, including finding yourself during the pandemic. Read Kristoffer's diary for helpful tips to get you through quarantine. 

Wellbeing Diary 6

Practicing Joyful Movement and Combating Zoom Fatigue

Leila Piazza is a junior pursuing an Arts and Letters bachelor's degree with Arabic and Writing minors. Lelia enjoys taking time for herself during her long days on zoom and studying. Read Lelia's diary to learn how she stays motivated through the pandemic.

Wellbeing Dairy 7

 Working on Self Care and How to Unwind After Work

With the term slowly coming to an end, we have a team of awesome students and staff talking about self-care and how they relieve stress after work or school. 

Wellbeing Diary 8

Fun Nail Art and Jet Skiing in Bora Bora

Emily has found the importance of alone time through the pandemic and finds new ways to exercise her brain by reading and planning for her future adventures. 

Wellbeing Diary 9

Solo Camping Trips and Exercising Our Brains

Lucille Thornhill is a psychology student with a focus in neuroscience and a Spanish minor. Lucille shares experiences of navigating through the pandemic with disabilities. 

Wellbeing Diary 10

Staying Connected with Friends and Eating Healthy Snacks

Xander Cho is a PSU sophomore who has been living downtown through the pandemic. Xander shares how he stays engaged and motivated through the quarantine by eating healthy and spending time building connections with others.