
Leslee Peterson

CREC Training and Assessment Coordinator

Campus Rec

ASRC 430
(503) 725-2902

Leslee discovered Portland in the late 1990’s after living in many places in the Midwest and west coast. In 2001, she moved to Portland and has been here eversince. Leslee completed her B.A in Psychology and M.A. in Teaching and worked as a middle school teacher for several years in the Portland metro area. In 2011, she returned to graduate school pursuing a Masters in Adult Education here at PSU, and started as an assessment specialist at PSU’s College of Education.  

Leslee transitioned to PSU Campus Recreation in 2019 to follow her desire to support college students to grow personally and professionally, and pursue their dream jobs. She is an enthusiastic supporter of the Campus Rec values of inclusion, community and wellbeing.

Throughout her life, Leslee has always enjoyed the outdoors through hikes, road trips, camping, climbing, and canoeing adventures. She has maintained a yoga and meditation practice for over 20 years. In her spare time Leslee enjoys walks with her dog, reading, cooking and eating, and spending time with friends and family.