Anthropology - Bachelor of Arts 2021-22 Degree Map

  • Requirements (Reqs) of a Bachelor Degree
  • Degree Maps show one way how you can earn a degree in four years. Talk with your advisor regularly to develop a personalized plan that works best for you, especially if you have any earned transferrable academic credit.

    To graduate in four years, you need an average of 45 credits per year to reach 180 total credits, including 62 upper division (300/400 level courses) credits. You may need to take electives (courses that are not used to meet specific requirements) to reach those totals. Most courses at PSU are 4 credits each. If you transfer credit to PSU, the number of credits you need per year will vary accordingly. 

    This guide outlines the requirements in the 2021-22 catalog. Catalog year defines the specific set of requirements you need to complete a degree. Requirements occasionally change, so it may benefit you to follow a different catalog. Typically, your catalog year is the year you began at PSU, but if you are a transfer student you may be able to use an earlier catalog. Talk with your advisor about which catalog requirements make sense for you.

    First Year

    Fall Courses Fall Credits Winter Courses Winter Credits Spring Courses Spring Credits
    Freshman Inquiry 5 Freshman Inquiry 5 Freshman Inquiry 5
    BA Second Language 101 3-5 BA Second Language 102 3-5 BA Second Language 103 3-5
    ANTH 101/102/103 4 ANTH 101/102/103 4 ANTH 101/102/103 4
    Total Fall Credits 12-14 Total Winter Credits 12-14 Total Spring Credits 12-14

    First Year Milestone: Complete ANTH 101, 102 & 103 by end of Spring term.

    Second Year

    Fall Courses Fall Credits Winter Courses  Winter Credits Spring Courses Spring Credits
    Sophomore Inquiry 4 Sophomore Inquiry 4 Sophomore Inquiry  4
    BA Second Language 201 3-5 BA Second Language 202 3-5 BA Second Language 203 3-5
    ANTH 300 Level Requirement 4 ANTH 300 Level Requirement 4 ANTH BA Requirement or General Elective 4
    General Elective 4 ANTH BA Requirement or General Elective 4 ANTH 300 Level Requirement 4
    Total Fall Credits 15-17 Total Winter Credits 15-17 Total Spring Credits 15-17

    Second Year Milestones: Complete two courses from ANTH 300-level requirement. Complete BA Second Language 203.

    Third Year

    Fall Courses Fall Credits Winter Courses Winter Credits Spring Courses Spring Credits
    Upper Division Cluster 4 Upper Division Cluster  4 Upper Division Cluster 4
    ANTH 300 Level Requirement 5 ANTH Upper Division Elective 4 ANTH 400 Level Elective 4
    ANTH Upper Division Elective 4 BA Fine & Performing Arts 3-4 General Elective 4
    General Elective 4 General Elective 4 General Elective 4
    Total Fall Credits 17 Total Winter Credits 15-16 Total Spring Credits 16

    Third Year Milestone: Complete ANTH BA Requirement (LING 232 or LING 233 or LING 390 or STAT 244) by Fall term. ANTH 304 or 305, 345, 350/350L and 370 or 372 by Spring term.

    Fourth Year

    Fall Courses Fall Credits Winter Courses Winter Credits Spring Courses Spring Credits
    ANTH 400 Level Elective 4 ANTH 400 Level Methods 4 Senior Capstone 6
    General Upper Division Elective 4 General Elective 4 General Elective 4
    General Elective 4 General Elective 4 General Elective 3
    General Upper Division Elective 4 General Elective 3    
    Total Fall Credits 16 Total Winter Credits 15 Total Spring Credits 13

    Fourth Year Milestone: Complete Methods class (by Winter term).


    Additional Map Notes:

    • ANTH 101/102/103: These are intro courses that do not need to be taken in sequence.
    • ANTH 300 Level Requirement: ANTH 304 or 305; 345; 350/350L(5 credits total), & 370 or 372. Do not need to be taken in sequence.
    • ANTH BA Requirement or General Elective: Only one of the following is required - LING 232/LING 233/STAT 244. STAT 243 is a prerequisite for STAT 244.
    • ANTH 400 Level Elective: In addition to the methods course, 8 400-level ANTH credits. Choose from ANTH 410-498; maximum 4 credits from ANTH 401, 404, 405, 407.
    • ANTH 400 Level Methods: Choose from Methods Course List (see Bulletin).
    • You may need to add additional general elective credits to your plan to reach 180 total credits.