Academic Scheduling Adding a New Course Section

Begin adding a new course section in the landing page by entering the term, subject, and course number in the “Add a New Section” module. Click the green “+ Add” button to launch the form.

The add form will validate course options from the catalog level. This means that the form will tailor the options in some of the drop-down menus (schedule type, credit hours, grading options, and sometimes restrictions) to reflect what is curriculum-approved for the specific course being added. You will also notice that the course title has been pre-filled, but is editable. This is to allow you to edit the titles of variable topics and omnibus-numbered courses. As always, the approved catalog titles of discrete-numbered courses will be adhered to by Academic Scheduling in their unedited form.

The terminology used on the form has not changed and will be familiar to you, so filling out the form should be intuitive. Drop-down menus for program attributes, restrictions, and fees will display all available codes as well as their descriptions so you can be sure you are selecting the correct codes.

You will notice green “+” buttons throughout the form, which allow you to add multiple course details where applicable: program attribute codes, instructors, meeting patterns, restrictions, and fees. After entering your first detail, simply click the “+” button to populate another field as needed.

When you are finished filling out the add CSM you have the option via three buttons to submit the form right away, save the form without submitting, or discard the request entirely. If you save the form without submitting, you will find it in the “In-Progress Requests” tab of your landing page.

Another way to add a new course section is by copying an existing course section! Learn how in the “handy new features” section of this tutorial.

Next: Changing a course section