Scholarships 2024-25

Voice student performing in recital


The PSU School of Music & Theater offers over 150 music scholarships totaling $400,000 in funds annually. Awards range from $1500 up to full tuition.  Out-of-state students receiving a scholarship are also eligible for tuition remission toward out-of-state tuition and fees.

Types of Funds

PSU students have multiple sources for potential scholarships and financial aid. These include:

  • Financial Aid
    This can include but is not limited to WUE, grants, Tuition-Free Degree, work-study, Washington Border Discount, etc.
  • Portland State University's general scholarships
    General PSU scholarships are not specific to music but are open to music applicants. All music students can apply for these scholarships by signing up for a free account with PSU's Scholarship Universe
  • School of Music & Theater scholarships
    These are only available to students who major or minor in music or theater. Students can apply for music and theater scholarships by signing up for a free account with PSU's Scholarship Universe. The application deadline for Music and Theater scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year has passed, but students can still apply for financial aid and PSU general scholarships. Scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be due in February 2025.  


Follow The Steps Below To Increase Your Financial Aid Potential

Students are encouraged to complete the following applications by February 1, 2024, but funds may be available at any time in the year, so students should apply regardless of the date.

Brass concert

How to Apply for Financial Aid & PSU General Scholarships

In order to apply for the type of funds listed above, students must do three things:

PSU students performing The Magic Flute opera

How to Apply for Music Scholarships

Students wanting to major or minor in music must complete the above steps and two additional steps below to be eligible for music scholarships.

(Theater and SAMP students don't need to complete these additional steps.)

Cello Student in performance

Audition Requirements

To audition for music scholarships you’ll need to record an audition (video or audio) and upload it into your School of Music & Theater application. Each performance area has its own audition requirements, which are available on our Student & Faculty resources page. 

Javanese Gamelan student performers

Areas of Study

The PSU School of Music & Theater offers nine undergraduate degree paths in fourteen different areas of study. Our world-renowned faculty will challenge you to grow and excel as we prepare you to be the next generation of world-changing teachers, performers, scholars, composers, and arts advocates.