The Research Center on Inclusive and Effective Educational Practices (RCIEP) works to expand externally funded research of faculty in the Department of Special Education and Counselor Education in the College of Education. The RCIEP is one of several projects initially funded by the Portland State University Office of Research and Sponsored Projects to expand externally funded research in departments with strong external funding records and potential for research expansion.

Goals of the RCIEP

  • Support Special Education faculty in the development and implementation of research that significantly impacts the quality and effectiveness of intervention and instruction provided to children and youth with a variety of challenges, their families, and the schools and agencies that serve them.
  • Serve as a catalyst to the involvement of Special Education faculty in the expansion of externally funded research by providing administrative and support services and by funding release time for proposal development
  • Develop the following research strands, focusing on inclusion, effective intervention/instruction for individuals with special needs, and supports for families and service providers:
    • Autism
    • Low incidence and severe disabilities
    • Early intervention and early childhood special education
    • Self-determination, inclusion, and interdisciplinary collaboration
    • Literacy
    • Positive behavioral supports
    • Transitions (from early childhood to adult life)
  • Involve interdisciplinary, interagency, and inter-institutional partners in each research strand

For more information, contact:
Dr. Ruth Falco, RCIEP Director, Department of Special Education
Phone: 503-725-4486