Early Alerts

Submit Early Alert when a student:

  • Has multiple absences or very little engagement in class
  • Needs additional academic assistance through the Learning Resources Center or other academic support office
  • Has incomplete assignments or multiple low scores
  • Needs help with accessing or using technology
  • Is not connecting or responding to outreach from you

Submit a CARE report when a student:

  • Exhibits any substantial change in behavior, mood, or appearance
  • Fails to maintain academic boundaries in and out of the classroom
  • Expresses significant personal or family problems in conversations, emails, or assignments
  • Has experienced a death/significant illness of a family member or friend
  • Has been hospitalized, injured, or is experiencing a significant illness
  • Has indicated severe resource insecurity affecting access to housing, food, or any other basic needs

The Early Alerts Program at PSU provides advisors and faculty the opportunity to work together, identifying and offering support to students who are struggling in their classes. To do this, we are using the Early Alerts/ Progress Report tool in EAB Navigate, which will allow us to coordinate efforts across the university. Using the Navigate tool will allow us to analyze and share the impact of our work, and to continue to refine our practices. 

As we work together to support students in a new and challenging remote environment, we are scaling up our efforts this academic year to offer every undergraduate course a chance to participate. 

Last year, faculty in 612-course sections partnered with advisors to identify and provide outreach to 2936 students. This effort has contributed to PSU having its lowest number of academic dismissals in recent history this winter and spring terms when instructors provided early alerts assessments for ~25% of enrolled students.

If you are looking for example syllabus text, please visit the student communications page.