Student working on CNC mill

Lab Safety & Access

Manufacturing Lab Safety Class

All students must complete the MME Lab Safety Class to be able to work in the Machine Shop. To request to work in the MME Manufacturing Lab, please use the MME Manufacturing Lab Safety & Request Form. Requests will be reviewed by the MME Manufacturing Lab Manager, Gregory Fahlgren.

Manufacturing Lab Access

There are three levels of lab access. To gain lab access, all students must have completed the Manufacturing Lab Safety Class steps above (or ME 240L). Mike Chuning approves all lab access based on students safety class attendance and logged shop hours. If students forget to sign out of the lab, they will only be granted two hours towards their 40-hour requirement for Level Two access.

Access Levels

Level One Access:

Supervised* lab access - Winter 2022 - TBD

Level Two Access:

Unsupervised lab access - Winter 2022 - TBD

  • Must have Level One access
  • Must have completed 40 supervised machine time
  • Must have completed the Shop Keycard Access Request
  • Access must be approved by lab supervisor

Level Three Access:

Unsupervised weekday, weekend and approved university holiday access during posted hours. To use the lab on weekends and holidays, students must fill out the Manufacturing Lab Weekend Access Request Form for every weekend or holiday usage planned.

  • Must have Level Two access
  • Must adhere to the posted lab hours on weekends.
Failure to following any of the above guidelines can result in removal of lab access.

*MCECS staff supervision.