Research Specialty Area: Materials Science

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Research Specialty Area:

Materials Science

Biomaterial Testing Lab

Room: EB 475
Faculty Owner: Jun Jiao

The bioengineering lab aims to integrate nanomaterials into biomedical applications. Currently, structural variations of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes coated with alumina are being studied for efficiency of antigen delivery to dendritic cells (immune cells) as a therapeutic vaccine against cancer.

In collaboration with ATI specialty alloys, coloration defects in zirconium sponge are being investigated. Advanced techniques for computationally refining images gathered with in situ observation of metal oxide phase transformations using the transmission electron microscope are also being enhanced.

Nanoparticulate adjuvants and delivery systems towards new generation vaccines are being investigated, in collaboration with OHSU. In addition, photocatalytic materials and reactorsare being developed for the  optimization of semiconductor quantum yield.

Nanodevice Fabrication Lab

Room: EB 550
Nanomaterial Synthesis Lab
Room: 560
Faculty Owner: Jun Jiao

Dr. Jun Jiao’s nanofabrication lab is focused on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes (CNTS), graphene, ceramic coatings, and supported bimetallic nanoparticles. These materials are then used in the design and  fabrication of devices for engineering applications. 

Computational 3D Materials Lab

Room: EB 460
Faculty Owner: Yi Xia


Dr. Xia's area of research is focused on development and implementation of first-principles-based methods and machine learning approaches to simulate dynamics of phonons and electrons, and application of such to solve materials problems. Research topics include heat/charge transport phenomena, anharmonic lattice dynamics, electron-phonon interactions, and structural phase transition in thermal management, energy storage and converting materials, covering high-entropy alloys, thermoelectrics, and lithium-ion batteries.