MacDonald Scholarship in Thermofluids

Student working in thermofluids

Two weeks ago, adjunct Mark MacDonald contacted me as he wanted to discuss awards/scholarships in the Department. Sure, I'd be happy to point him to PSU's scholarship resources. Shortly into our phone call, I realized he wanted to develop a scholarship, to elevate MME students with a passion for thermofluids. 

I was blown away by his generosity. This could make an enormous diffference for someone, who might be in a position of needing more funding for tuition. Yes. We could definitely set that up.         

And here's why he did it...

Scholarship Name:

MacDonald Scholarship in Thermofluids, Deadline 3/19/21

What inspired you to establish this scholarship?

For several years I have taught occasional courses in the PSU MME Dept; not because I needed more work, but because I love teaching. I also love learning and I love connecting with students - seeing that moment when the light turns ON as a new concept hits home. But one aspect of mechanical engineering that I don't love is how the field sometimes feels so stagnant. Perhaps nowhere is that stagnation more obviously apparent than when it comes to diversity and gender balance. It often feels like the gender balance in mechanical engineering has not improved in the 25 years since I graduated. Changing that starts with encouraging and supporting a more balanced STEM education pipeline. For some time I've been looking for a way to give back (or to pay it forward I suppose, depending on which direction you are facing?) and what better way to start encouraging that change than to try and act like a change-agent myself? Or perhaps this is all just part of my midlife crisis...

Why is this content area important to you?

Because it's my area of expertise. And because I want to be able to see and know the impact that this scholarship will have on the gifted engineers coming through our program. And that's more likely to happen if the winners are in the same field. Hopefully the atmosphere created by this incentive will influence the career decisions of students beyond just the winners themselves and we can augment recent efforts to bring more diverse talent into the field of thermofluids.

What are your hopes for the future of Engineering?

Engineering is the bridge between science and our daily lives. It has extended lifespans, improved quality of life, carried us across oceans, and lifted us to the heavens. It has brought us television, movies, and the internet. It has allowed us to grow more food, connect with loved ones, and kept us safe and warm. Engineering is a field that seeks to enable all our lives and all of us should feel welcome to take part in this grand endeavor. As equals.

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