Graduate Forms

Department Forms

  • Graduation Notification. Use this form to notify the English Department of the term in which you intend to graduate so that we can review and confirm your completion of graduation requirements.
  • Degree Completion Plan (MA in English program). Submit this form by the fifth week of your fourth term in the program to select your culminating course of study (focus area exam or qualifying essay), appoint your examining committee chair and its student-selected member, and identify the courses you intend to use to satisfy program requirements.
  • Program Requirements Worksheet (Creative Writing/Book Publishing/Technical and Professional Writing programs). Submit this form by the first week of your graduation term to identify the courses you will use to satisfy program requirements.
  • Pre-Admission Credits. Students who took graduate courses at PSU before formal admission to a graduate program, including Bachelor’s + Master’s Pathway (B+M) students, should use this form.
  • Change of Advisor. Students in the MA in English, Book Publishing, and Technical and Professional Writing programs should use this form to record a change of their graduate advisor. Creative Writing students should use the Thesis Advisor Appointment form if their thesis committee has not yet been selected, or the GO-16M form (see below) if their thesis committee has been selected.
  • Thesis Advisor Appointment. Creative Writing students should use this form to appoint, or change, their thesis advisor if their thesis committee has not yet been selected. If their thesis committee has been selected, they should complete the GO-16 form (see below) to register the change in the university's records.
  • Leave of Absence Request. Use this form to request a leave of absence of up to one year from your program.

University Forms

Unless otherwise indicated below, visit the Graduate School's Forms page to access current versions of general university forms.

  • By-Arrangement Request Form. If you need to sign up for by-arrangement credits (e.g. independent study, internship, or thesis credits), use the online request system. View instructions at the following link: eBy-Arrangement Request - for Students and Faculty.
  • Second Language Verification. MA students who are not taking language classes at PSU to complete their second language requirement should contact the World Languages and Literatures to verify their required second language proficiency.
  • GO-14, Dual Degree Form. If you are concurrently enrolled in two Master's programs at Portland State, you can designate (subject to program rules and requirements) up to 16 dual degree credits, which will be applied to both degrees, using this form. This form must be submitted at least one full term prior to your graduation from your first program.
  • GO-16Appointment of Final Oral Examination Committee. MFA students must complete this form to formally appoint or make changes to their thesis committees; MA and MS students do not need to complete this form.
  • GO-17M, Master's Recommendation for the Degree. This form is filed with the Graduate School certifying that MFA students have completed their thesis and culminating exam requirements for graduation; the Department prepares this form and delivers it to the student's thesis advisor for signature following the student's thesis defense. The student is not permitted to handle this form after it has been signed by any members of the student's thesis committee. A different, internal department form is used to certify degree-completion requirements for MA and MS students.
  • GO-19, Request for Change of Major. This form is used to change from one Master’s degree program to another, or to add a Master's degree or graduate certificate program if you will working in two programs concurrently. Unless you are transferring from an MA to an MS (or vice versa) in the Book Publishing or Technical and Professional Writing programs, transferring between programs or adding a second program requires a full admission review by your new program.
  • GO-21M, Proposed Transfer Credit. This form must be completed if you have taken any graduate courses at an institution other than PSU that will be applied to your degree.
  • Application for Awarding of Master’s Degree. This application, submitted online through myPSU, is due by Friday of the first week of the term that you plan to satisfy your degree requirements, and must be accompanied by payment of a $30 graduation application fee. Information from this document will be used for your diploma and the University’s Commencement.
  • Graduate Petition. This form is used to petition the Graduate Council for a waiver of a University graduate academic regulation or degree requirement. Please be aware that in no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because of ignorance of the regulation or of the assertion that the student was not informed by the advisor or other authority.
  • Thesis Signature Page. This form is filed with the Graduate School and is kept with the official copy of an MFA student's thesis to certify approval of the thesis by the student's thesis committee; the Department prepares this form and delivers it to the student's thesis advisor for completion following the student's thesis defense.
  • ETD Access Form. MFA students must complete and file this form directly with the Graduate School to set access permissions for the student's thesis. Review the MFA Handbook for more information on this process, including departmental recommendations regarding access.