Title IX

The Office of Equity and Compliance is diligently monitoring the situation surrounding the Title IX Education Amendments of 1972, as outlined by the U.S. Department of Education. Our commitment remains on ensuring compliance and enhancing our dedication to providing an equitable and non-discriminatory environment for all members of our campus community. As we receive updates regarding the implementation of the amended regulations, we will promptly inform the community.

Portland State University is committed to supporting students’ safe access to their education, and employees to their work environment. Sexual assault, sexual/gender-based harassment, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking are all prohibited at PSU. Students have many options for accessing support, both on and off campus.

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 states:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title IX and PSU address sex/gender/gender identity/sexual orientation discrimination, in admissions, academics, scholarships, athletics, hiring, promotion or any program or activities of the University.

In August 2020, the federal Department of Education issued regulations addressing higher education institution’s response to sexual harassment. In response, PSU implemented a Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy. The Title IX Sexual Harassment policy provides the procedures that PSU follows for addressing sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violenceand stalking when the matter falls within the Title IX jurisdiction.

Oregon State Law

In addition to Title IX Oregon legislature based new laws governing higher education institution response to sexual harassment. Pursuant to Oregon law, Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where such conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it has the effect, intended or unintended, of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or it has created an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment and would have such an effect on a reasonable person.”

PSU's Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Sexual Harassment

PSU's Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Policy encompasses state and federal laws that prohibits sexual harassment and any form of sexual and relationship violence. PSU also follows mandated Title IX procedures in addressing sexual harassment as defined by Title IX and conduct that occurs in PSU’s educational programs and activities and within the United States. For an outline of the Title IX investigative process, see the Title IX Investigative Process Flowchart.

A report of sex/gender-based discrimination or sexual harassment may be made to PSU’s Title IX Coordinator or to the Office of Equity and Compliance for complaints against employees or to the Dean of Student Life for complaints against students.

In 2016, PSU administered a Campus Climate Survey and the results identified the need for additional prevention efforts, which Illuminate provides on PSU’s campus.  PSU will be administered to students  a new climate survey in the fall of 2020.

Equity & Compliance is responsible for monitoring Portland State University's /Title IX or any gender-based compliance. Portland State University's Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator are:

  • Albert Roberson, Title IX Coordinator
  • Taylor Burke, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Dean of Students
    • 503.725.4422  |  askdos@pdx.edu
    • Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU), 825 SW Broadway, Suite 433

Faculty and staff resource information is available on PSU’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Webpage. For students, please visit PSU’s Sexual Misconduct Options website, which is a centralized source for all PSU services, policies and reporting options.

Confidential Advocates

Students who would like to talk to someone confidentially may schedule to talk to a Confidential Advocate at 503.894.7982 or by booking online. Please see PSU’s Sexual Misconduct webpage to review the services the advocates may provide to a student.

Pregnancy and Postpartum

Title IX includes protections for students who become pregnant or are postpartum. PSU’s Student Pregnancy and Postpartum Assistance and Accommodation Policy addresses students rights and obligations when they become pregnant or are postpartum. You may contact the Director of Services for Students with Children to obtain assistance with your academics. For more information please review the fact sheet from the National Center for Women Lawyers Title IX FAQ  or The Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights provides information Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnancy and Parenting Students.

Gender Equity in Athletics

Title IX also requires PSU to monitor and address gender equity in athletics. Any questions regarding PSU compliance of Title IX in athletics you may contact either PSU’s Title IX Coordinator or Dana Cappelucci, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Director of Athletics at dlc2@pdx.edu or by calling 503.725.5621

PSU Employee Title IX Training

To see a list of the staff and faculty who have completed Title IX-related training and certification, please visit the Title IX Training webpage.