Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey

Portland State University administered its second sexual misconduct campus climate survey during the winter and spring terms 2022. PSU invited all of its undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the survey and 2,687 students responded to the survey. PSU’s Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey findings offer insights into students’ experiences, perceptions, and attitudes related to sexual misconduct and offer an opportunity for the University to identify areas requiring a tailored campus-wide response that will enhance students’ safety.

WARNING: The Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey Report discusses sensitive topics, including sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and interpersonal violence. Some survey questions and sections in this report use explicit language to describe anatomical body parts and types of sexual acts. Reading this report might be emotionally difficult and bring up experiences that either you, or someone you know, have experienced. You may contact the below resources if you want to talk to someone confidentially about questions or concerns related to sexual assault and sexual misconduct.

  • View the 2021 Survey Resources
  • Confidential Resources for Students

    • Confidential Advocates: 503.725.5672 or online
    • Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC): 503.725.2800
    • Student Legal Services: 503.725.4556

    If you have questions about the report or suggestions about how Portland State can reduce the incidence of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or conduct that creates a hostile environment on campus and improve the support the University offers when it does occur, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.

    Illuminate provides campus-wide prevention programming. To get involved, contact PSU’s Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention Coordinator Amy Collins

    Previous Survey Reports

    PSU's first Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey was administered during the spring term of 2016, and the survey report, executive summary, and infographic were released in spring of 2017.