Campus Climate Survey

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Campus Climate Survey and why have I been asked to complete this survey?

We are asking a random sample of students at Portland State University to answer a climate survey on sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking and sexual misconduct and assault. The results will be used to guide policies to encourage a healthy, safe, and nondiscriminatory environment on our campus. Our goal is to make Portland State University as safe as possible by developing programs and services that prevent sexual assault and misconduct, as well as respond to these events when do they do occur. This survey is an important tool for us to learn more about students’ needs, experiences, and opinions.

Why haven’t I received the survey?

Not all PSU students are receiving the survey because Portland State is conducting a random sample of students. Many universities across the nation have conducted a random sampling to be most efficient with survey administration. Students under the age of 18 have been excluded from taking the survey due to state laws regarding child abuse reporting. If you were not randomly selected to complete the survey and have recommendations on how to improve Portland State’s Prevention and Response to Interpersonal Violence, please email or you may file an anonymous complaint. Your voice is important to us. 

How long will the survey take?

Most students will complete the survey in 15 minutes. For some others, it may take up to 35 to 40 minutes to complete.  

Am I required to participate?

No, you do NOT have to take this survey.  You may skip any question(s) you are not comfortable answering. You may exit the survey at any time and complete it at a later date. Most students will find the questions interesting.

Will my answers be confidential?

Yes, we will protect the confidentiality of your answers. Survey results will be presented in summary form.  No student will be identified. No report will be made to law enforcement or to campus administrators. 

Will being a part of the drawing for $25, $100, or $300 Amazon cards let people know how I answered my survey questions?

No, being a part of the drawing at the end of the survey will not result in anyone knowing what you answered on the climate survey.  Here is how we keep your survey answers separate from your contact information for the drawing: When you get to the end of the survey, you will have the chance to click an icon (or button) that will take you completely out of the campus climate survey and put you into a new, totally separate page where you can give us your contact information for the Amazon card drawings.  This means that your contact information cannot be connected to any of your campus climate survey answers. 

What will Portland State University do with the results?

The results will be used to better understand the climate at Portland State University, the extent of dating/domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault and misconduct among students, and the use of programs and services currently being offered. This information will be used to make recommendations for changes to the policies and procedures related to preventing and handling sexual assault and misconduct at our university.

Why are you asking about these sensitive topics?

Our goal is to foster a safe and supportive environment where students can flourish, both academically and personally. To understand the climate at Portland State University, we need to ask direct questions about topics that some may find sensitive. It is only by directly collecting this information from you that we will be able to prevent negative experiences and effectively respond when they do happen.

What should I do if I become upset answering these questions? 

On each page of the online survey, there is a link to on- and off-campus resources that you can contact if you become upset. In addition to local resources, links to several national-level services are provided that provide information and counselors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have included a variety of resources. Choose the ones most helpful to you. 

What should I do if I need some help right now?

If you need help or someone to talk to right now, here are some options: 

PSU campus resources: for phone or in-person support during business hours (Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm):

  • The Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC): SW 6th Ave, 503-725-2800
  • Interpersonal Violence (IPV) Advocate at 503-725-5672

Here is a link to the full list of PSU Resources

Portland-area local resources: (available at any time, day or night):  

  • The Portland Women’s Crisis Line at 503-235-5333 
  • The Multnomah County Crisis Line at 503-988-4888 

National-level resources, available at all hours, all days:

What will I be asked to do?

You are invited to participate in a web survey. This survey includes sections that ask about your knowledge and beliefs about social situations, your views on  sexual misconduct, and your knowledge of campus programs and resources.  This survey also asks about your personal experience with sexual misconduct, such as harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of  interpersonal violence.

Why is the language on the survey so explicit?

Some of the language used in this survey is explicit and some people may find it uncomfortable. It is important that we ask the questions in this way so that you are clear what we mean. Information on how to get help, if you need it, appears on the bottom of each survey page and at the end of the survey.

Isn’t this survey only for women?

No, this survey is for those students who have been randomly invited to participate, regardless of their gender identity or experiences. The survey will be used to shape policies that affect everyone on campus. It is very important that you provide your experiences and viewpoints.

I’ve never experienced sexual assault or sexual misconduct, so why should I take part?

If only victims of sexual assault and sexual misconduct take the survey, we will have a very lopsided view of your campus. To get a complete picture of PSU’s campus climate, we need to hear from both students who have and have not been victims of sexual assault and/ or sexual misconduct.

Where do I get questions answered?

If you have any questions about this survey please email Julie Caron, PSU’s Title IX Coordinator, at Her office is located in the Market Center Building, Suite 830.

If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the PSU Human Subjects Research Review Committee between Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. The office is located at Portland State University, Market Center Building, 1600 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 620, Portland, Oregon 97201.  The telephone number is: 503.725.2227, 1.877.480.4400 (toll free), or send an email to: