A world of opportunities awaits aspiring vocalists at the PSU School of Music. From introductory voice training all the way to starring roles in the award-winning opera program, your college career will be full of rewarding experiences. We’re proud of the community here; students and faculty truly care about each other. Performing in our internationally acclaimed ensembles and productions will help develop the tools you need to be a well-rounded vocalist and a seasoned performer. Not only will you grow from your group interactions, you’ll also benefit from plenty of one-on-one attention with individualized voice lessons.

Individualized Training

You’ll be paired with a voice teacher soon after you enter the Voice program. This instructor also takes on a mentoring role during your voice training, helping you navigate your creative journey as an emerging artist.

Build Your Skills

First-year Voice students take theory and sight-reading to build a strong foundational set of skills they will use throughout their careers. In your one-on-one voice lessons you can incorporate your new knowledge in these areas.

Award-Winning Ensembles

With four choirs, a jazz vocal collective, and two full opera productions each year, there is a place for every singer at PSU. The Portland State Chamber Choir has won international competitions on three continents and has been called "one of the world's finest choral ensembles." Chamber Choir, Rose Choir and Thorn Choir all perform several times each year. The Opera program produces a full opera with orchestra each spring; a smaller fall production features modern works and operettas.

Unique Community Experience

Each studio (a group of students sharing the same individual voice teacher) has a class once a week where you will have the chance to perform for your peers and receive helpful feedback. You’ll find that your fellow students are eager to collaborate and support your growth and development as a vocalist. Because each voice is unique, current students have commented that everyone can be encouraged to do their best, without it feeling too competitive.

Harry Baechtel Headshot


Dr. Harry Baechtel has extensive experience in the opera, oratorio and art song repertories, and is an advocate for both new and forgotten music in his diverse career in the vocal arts.