Thien-Kim Bui

Thien-Kim Bui, NPCC Graduate Research Assistant | (503) 725-6676

Thien-Kim is a geography PhD student studying water conflict, governance, and collaboration in the US West. In the year that Thien-Kim has been with NPCC, they have presented NPCC research on the Columbia Basin Partnership Task Force (American Association of Geographers 2023 Annual Meeting), creative applications of human ecology mapping (University Network of Collaborative Governance 2023 Retreat), and co-authored a manual on human ecology mapping for Outdoor Alliance. In addition to mapping worlds, Thien-Kim also builds worlds onstage as a freelance choreographer, dancer, and actor. They believe that collaborative processes, whether in governance or in the arts, offer the promise of new ways to understand and relate to one another.

Thien-Kim holds a BA from Reed College.