When Making a Difference Matters, We Can Help

Government, private, nonprofit, and civic leaders identify and address public problems and seize opportunities to improve their communities. Finding solutions that make a difference can mean engaging others to overcome obstacles, pool limited resources, and work through differences that get in the way.  We provide collaborative conflict resolution, collective action, and community engagement that can help you make a difference.

We Guide Your Efforts Toward Collaborative Solutions

The programs of the National Policy Consensus Center at Portland State University bring together groups of people to find their own answers and implement solutions better, cheaper, and faster. We assess your situation, design and facilitate your meetings, and manage the collaborative project to achieve identified goals. For 30 years, we have helped hundreds of groups collaborate with others to find lasting solutions for their constituents and communities.

We share your desire to work together for a Better Future

Like you, we believe in getting things done. We can help you address public issues and achieve durable solutions that people with diverse views agree on. And we help you build the political and financial support for real action. Your relationships with other groups will be strengthened. You can create a legacy of solving problems, contributing to your community, and leading effectively.

Tony Salvador

Meet Tony Salvador, NPCC's New Executive Director

NPCC is thrilled to have secured Tony Salvador as NPCC Executive Director to replace Laurel Singer, who recently retired. Tony brings a wealth of real world experience in community collaboration across the globe and has extensive experience in organizational strategy and transformation.

Road to Mt Hood

New NPCC Endowment for Collaborative Governance

Laurel Singer, former NPCC Executive Director, and Elaine Hallmark, founding Oregon Consensus Director, have launched the NPCC Endowment for Collaborative Governance and Consensus Building to bring collaborative solutions to all corners of Oregon.

Group around table with flipchart

Check out the NPCC Collaborative Governance Textbook for real world tools

A new NPCC collaborative governance textbook situated in the practical, the place where students and practitioners and public managers might apply theory—and especially lessons learned—to the real-life issues they encounter in their communities.

Urban Rural Ambassadors Institute

Students develop the capacity to forge a path through the tension and stalemate that often characterize the urban-rural debate.

Online Collaborative Governance Graduate Certificate

Collaborate across silos and sectors to improve your organization, your community, and the world.

Mount Hood from Bald Peak Oregon

Building a Collaborative Governance Framework

A free guide to help collaborative groups build a governance framework for advancing their goals.

Oregon Atlas of Collaboration

A unique inventory of 238 ongoing, state-connected collaboratives in Oregon. A partnership of NPCC and Syracuse University.

Wildflowers in Baker County Oregon
Civic Leadership Academy for Hillsboro, Oregon

Civic Leadership Academy

NPCC is helping local governments foster new leaders for boards and commissions, using an innovative civic leadership training model that is available to local governments across Oregon. 

Keller fountain Portland Oregon

A Practical Guide to Intergovernmental Entities in Oregon

At times, government collaboration projects evolve into a more permanent arrangement that leads to formation of an intergovernmental entity. This free guide addresses the most common questions the National Policy Consensus Center receives about forming intergovernmental entities.
