Sidouane Patcha headshot

Sidouane Patcha Lum

Teaching Assistant Professor

English - Liberal Arts & Sciences

Fields: Technical and Professional Writing, UX Design, Rhetoric and Composition, Cultural Rhetorics, Service-Learning, Participatory Action Research


WR 227: Introduction to Technical Writing
WR 327: Technical Report Writing
WR 300: Topics in Rhetoric and Composition [Podcasting]
WR 533/433: Research Methods for Technical Writers
WR 425/525: Advanced Technical Writing


Dr. Sidouane Patcha is the interim Director of the Masters in Technical and Professional Writing program, and coordinator of undergraduate Technical Writing. She earned a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition with a specialization in User Research and Multimodal/Cultural Rhetoric’s from the University of Texas at El Paso, where she also served as assistant Director of the Rhetoric and Composition graduate program.

In her 10+yrs of being a teacher and administrator in Higher Ed, Dr. Patcha has developed and taught courses including Rhetoric and Composition, Technical Writing, Professional Writing, Writing and Digital Media (Web Design), Podcasting, and User Documentation. At PSU she currently teaches Technical Writing, Technical Report Writing, Technical Writing Pedagogy, Podcasting, Research Methods for Technical Writers, and Advanced Technical Communication. 

Dr. Patcha’s research interests include Professional and Technical Writing pedagogy, Cross-Cultural UX Design, Service-Learning, and Participatory Action Research. Her goal as a professional is to ensure a commitment to ethics and social justice in the study and practice of technical/professional writing and research. In addition, she aspires to continue encouraging ‘program-client’ relationships that foster ‘service-learning’ and professional networking opportunities for students, and the Technical Writing program.

  • PhD, Rhetoric and Composition
    The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
  • MS, Rhetoric and Technical Communication
    Michigan Technological University
  • Journalism and Mass Communication
    University of Buea, Cameroon