Currently Accolades: People for October 10, 2022

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  1. Don Dickinson, Director Emeritus of the Advertising Management Program, will be a visiting professor at the Scripps School of Journalism in November at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. 
  2. Óscar Fernández, University Studies, Carrie Vasquez, Global Diversity & Inclusion faculty, Joe Rivera Soto, Office of the Dean of Student Life, and Martín Alberto Gonzalez, Chicano/Latino Studies, appeared on the “¿Qué pasa, HSIs?” podcast Episode 4: Becoming an HSI as Process. They are members of Portland State University’s Hispanic Serving Institution Exploratory Committee.
  3. Susan Kirtley, English faculty, was awarded the Charles Hatfield Prize for the Best Book in Comics Studies for her monograph “Typical Girls.” 
  4. Ted Khoury, business faculty, was a faculty mentor for the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Doctoral Consortium at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management from Aug. 5-9 in Seattle.