Engineering Work Experience (EWX) Internship

Engineering Work Experience (EWX) is a structured internship program for undergraduate students in Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE), Mechanical Engineering (MME) and Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE).  

Program Objectives

  • To provide high-performing students with opportunities to obtain work experience at engineering and technology companies in the Portland region during the summer before their senior year with an option to continue full- or part-time during their senior year
  • To provide local companies with an opportunity to work with some of the best PSU engineering students before graduation
  • To provide feedback to PSU on how to better prepare PSU engineering students for successful careers

Information for Students

Information for Employers

Important Dates

12/09/2024 Employer applications due.  

12/11/2024 Employers notified of admission status

12/16/2024 Employer position descriptions due

01/15/2025 Student applications due

01/24/2025 Student acceptance decisions given

01/31/2025 Interview day (MME/ ECE)

02/07/2025 Interview day (CEE)
02/21/2025 Student Placement decision


More Information

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Frank Goovaerts.


Information for Students

We use a careful selection process for admission to the program. Once admitted, students may receive training and participate in workshops. After a student is hired, they are monitored during their work experience to ensure the experience helps them learn about the practice of engineering and that companies are receiving valuable contributions from the students.

Program Eligibility

  • Junior standing (undergrad, accepted to upper division)
    • ECE: Enrolled in or have completed by spring term ECE 371, 321 or 331
    • MME: Enrolled in or have completed by spring term  ME313 Course plan: (ME 313, ME 314, ME 350 and ME 351). ME320 Course Plan: (ME 320, ME 321, ME 322 and ME 350)
    • CEE: Enrolled in or have completed by spring term CE 315,  CE 351, CE 324, CE 321, and CE 362
    • ENVE:  Enrolled in or have completed by spring term CE 315, CE 362, CE364 or CE 371
  • Expected graduation date no earlier than December 2025
  • International Students must be eligible to work in the United States, some other company restrictions may apply


Due Date: January 15, 2025

What you will need:

  • Resume - single page PDF (Naming convention: LAST FIRST RESUME.PDF). This is a generic resume as you are just applying to get to the interview portion of the program.
  • Cover letter - explain why we should consider you for this type of internship, include discipline, student ID, overall GPA, and expected graduation date (Naming convention: LAST FIRST COVER.PDF).  Do not address to a specific employer.

Interview Selection & Dates

You will be notified if you have been selected to interview no later than January 24, 2025.  

  • MME/ECE Interviews: January 31, 2025
  • CEE Interviews: February 7, 2025

Placement decisions are available no later than February 21, 2025.  Assumption is that you will accept the offer from the employer you are assigned to.

Internship Preparation

  • Attend workshops (resume writing, interviews, job preparedness)
  • Consultation with Frank Goovaerts
  • Attend interview day

During the Internship

  • Apply what you have learned in class, learn new things, and enjoy the challenges
  • Represent yourself and PSU professionally
  • Know when to ask for help
  • Provide status to PSU upon conclusion of the internship -or- after 12 weeks, whatever comes first

At Internship Conclusion

  • Participate in exit survey

Other Information

  • If you are accepted into MECOP, it does not make sense to apply to EWX


Information for Employers

  • Employers must have at least one open position to participate in the program, and must provide a position description by the deadline.
  • The position must pay $23/h or more, be for 12 weeks in duration or more, and include at least 30 h/week of work during the summer.
  • An employer representative with authority to make a hiring decision must attend the interviews for each position, and up to two representatives may attend the interview.
  • The employer must make offers to the students within 2 weeks of the interview day. If interviewed students are not sufficiently qualified, the employer may choose not to fill the position.
  • The employer also has no obligation to continue offering employment after the summer.
  • Employers are expected to share information and feedback with PSU staff about offers made, student strengths/weaknesses, feedback during summer internship, and ideas about how to improve the program.

If you are interested to participate as an employer, visit this link to sign up. Employer applications are due December 9, 2024. 

Employers will be notified if they are chosen to participate by December 11, 2024 and accepted employers are required to submit position descriptions by December 16, 2024.

PSU commits to only partnering with companies that maintain a workplace where everyone is treated with dignity and respect – one that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, and other inappropriate conduct, whether physical, verbal, written, or visual. PSU and the companies PSU partners with will not engage in any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.