Empower, Prepare, Prevail: Equitable Resilience to Cascading Disasters in the Portland Region


Parsons Gallery
Urban Center Building 212

Cost / Admission

Free with Registration

Join the Portland Equitable Resilience Project for a two-day community engagement workshop titled "Empower, Prepare, Prevail: Equitable Resilience to Cascading Disasters in the Portland Region." The workshop will bring together experts, community members, practitioners, and stakeholders dedicated to advancing equitable resilience strategies to climate disasters in the Portland region.


The workshop will focus on fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among a diverse group of participants, with the ultimate goal of strengthening our community's ability to withstand and recover from cascading disasters. This event will feature insightful presentations, interactive discussions, a Virtual Reality immersive experience, and practical exercises designed to empower attendees with the tools and insights needed to drive equitable resilience initiatives.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all participants!

Agenda Highlights:

  • Keynote address by a renowned expert in disaster resilience
  • Panel discussions on emerging challenges and best practices in the field
  • Community-led presentation on local disaster risk and equity in resilience planning
  • Student presentations on climate justice and community resilience to climatic hazards
  • Workshops and breakout sessions for hands-on learning and collaboration
  • Opportunities for networking and building valuable connections
  • Showcase of innovative projects and initiatives in the Portland region (including a National Center for Atmospheric Research-funded project led by Dr. Jola Ajibade)
Portland cityscape