Resident Opportunity Scholarship

Note: As of Fall 2023 new students are not currently eligible for this scholarship

Portland State University awards the Resident Opportunity Scholarship to academically qualified, income-eligible undergraduate resident first years.

All applicants are automatically considered for the scholarship, no separate application is required.

This scholarship is available to first year students for up to four academic years.

Award Amount: $300 - $5,616 annually. 

The amount of the award varies depending on final high school GPA, Student Aid Index (SAI) as reported in the FAFSA, other types of aid you are expected to receive and your annual cost of attendance. This scholarship may be renewed for up to four consecutive, academic years from your original fall term admission. Annual limits apply. This scholarship is not available during summer term.


  • Oregon resident
  • 2.50 cumulative unweighted high school GPA
  • Submit the FAFSA
  • First-time PSU student
  • Enroll full time (12 to 15 credits per term)
  • Start in fall term

Resident Opportunity Scholarship Notification

Incoming students will be notified via email of their award. 

Maintaining the Resident Opportunity Scholarship

The Resident Opportunity Scholarship is renewable for up to four years. Resident Opportunity Scholarship recipients are required to enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per term and 36 credits per year, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to maintain their award, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, and submit the FAFSA by February 1 each year for the following academic year.