
Changes can be made to your financial aid or cost of attendance for the special circumstances listed below or for a change of grade level, accepting previously declined loans, decreasing previously accepted but not yet disbursed loans, and tuition in excess of your financial aid budget.

While the Free Application of Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is helpful in determining your eligibility for financial aid, it may not always accurately reflect the true financial situation of your family.

If your family has an unusual or special circumstance that should be considered in assessing your eligibility for aid, you can submit one of the revision or re-evaluation requests below. Submission of one of these forms provides a way for you or your parent(s) to inform PSU of the circumstances to be considered and allows PSU to determine if an adjustment can be made.

Revision and re-evaluation requests must be made using the forms below. When you submit a form, include a detailed description of the circumstances, appropriate supporting documentation, and signatures of both the student and parent. Be thorough and complete in providing all requested documentation to prevent processing delays.  

The initial review of your revision or re-evaluation request will be completed by a committee and may take up to two weeks. Once your appeal is reviewed, you will be notified via email of the committee’s decision or if any additional documentation is needed. Submission of a revision or re-evaluation request is specific to an academic year and does not guarantee an adjustment or increase to financial aid eligibility or assistance. 

What Qualifies as a Special Circumstance?

Each student's situation is unique, and revision requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests that circumvent federal or state statutes and regulations will be denied.

  • Loss or reduction of earned income from calendar year 2018 to calendar year 2019 due to change in employment 
  • Loss of benefits such as unemployment, alimony, or child support
  • Loss or reduction of income due to separation, divorce or death of a parent
  • Unusual or unexpected medical or dental expenses for a household member that are not reimbursed 

What Doesn’t Qualify as a Special Circumstance?

  • Private school tuition for siblings unless enrollment is necessary due to disability
  • Annual fluctuations of income due to loss of overtime or bonuses
  • Personal consumer debt such as credit-card or car payments
  • Exclusion of business income reported on personal tax return

Student Eligibility

To be considered for a Revision Request, a student must be admitted to the university and have an award letter on file with the Financial Aid Office. Students must also complete all outstanding requirements for documentation before their revision request is considered. 

Important Deadlines

Students must submit the documents below by the end of the eighth week of the current term. Forms received after the end of the eighth week will be reviewed next term. Late documents can negatively impact a student's financial aid eligibility.

A student meeting with an admissions counselor

Submit a Revision or Re-evaluation Request

Select the appropriate form, fill it out, and submit it to PSU. Common forms are the Cost-of-Attendance Increase Request Form, Financial Aid Revision Request Form, Parent Financial Aid Re-evaluation Request Form, and the Student Financial Aid Re-evaluation Request Form. 

Have Questions?

Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships to get answers to your questions.

Connect with us via Chat, email, phone, or make an appointment (in-person or virtual). 

To chat with us click the box in the bottom right corner of this window.